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September 20, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Purim and the Poor in Israel

Israelis take Purim seriously—kids get the day off school, many towns put on a lively Purim parade, and the streets are filled with people of

One-Step Baked Chicken

Rarely do I share of any my acclaimed recipes, but since it’s Adar, this is a great one! Ingredients: 6-7 lb. chicken 1 cup melted

Teaneck Jewish Haunted House to Open

Teaneck—Move over, World of Wings. You’re no longer the strangest tourist attraction in town, with your huge beetles wearing little outfits pinned to the wall

Life is a Masquerade

New York—It is surely not one of our run-of-the-mill minhagim. Generally, our minhagim deal with simanim—signs that indicate good mazel rather than bad fortune. They deal

The Identity Crisis

In the legendary town of Chelm lived many philosophers and savants. The story is told about one of these ruminators who developed the fear that

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