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September 19, 2024
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How Arafat Died and How the PA Blames Israel

Ramallah—Palestinians renewed their allegations that Israel was responsible for the “assassination” of PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat. But a thorough reading of the Swiss scientists’ report

Israel News Briefs

Sodastream’s $4 Million Super Bowl Ad (—Sodastream, the popular Israeli carbonated drinks company, has announced that it will kick off its 2014 advertising campaign with

Knesset Passes “Tzohar Law”

Jerusalem—Following several years of lobbying and publicity efforts, the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization celebrated a historic legislative victory recently when the Knesset passed the “Tzohar Law.”

Livni Defends Kerry

Justice Minister and chief Israeli negotiator with the Palestinians Tzipi Livni came to the defense of US Secretary of State John Kerry after he launched a

Pew Results Seen as a Wake-Up Call

Bergen County—Close to half of all married American Jews have a non-Jewish spouse. Two-thirds do not belong to a synagogue. And a growing number –

Living in the Rova: Pros and Cons

Many, many people have fallen in love with the Old City’s Jewish Quarter, the “Rova.” Is it any wonder? Spirituality emanates from Har Habayit (the

Freeholder Candidates Face Off in Teaneck

Teaneck—The Bergen County Freeholder candidates faced off against each other at a forum sponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council. The three Republican incumbents, John

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