March 7, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Celebrating Project Ezrah’s Community of Active Partners

Teaneck, NJ—Over 500 guests braved snowy weather and slick roads to attend Project Ezrah’s recent annual dinner. The event honored those who have been so extremely helpful both financially and with acts of chesed, beginning with the Project Ezrah Board and staff taking a moment to honor the memory of an Ish Chessed, Ted Mirkhani, z”l.

Jonathan Gellis, the evening’s emcee, shared some of the results of Project Ezrah’s year. “During 2013, 120 Project Ezrah candidates, over 30% of candidates served, found jobs through their interaction with the organization’s employment team. To this end, resumes were rewritten, mock interviews conducted, employer contacts made and career paths reassessed when needed.

“Project Ezrah also worked with 118 families in 2013,” Gellis said. “That’s 8% more families than those seeking help in 2012. These families were given over $1.6 million dollars in financial assistance, they were guided by Project Ezrah’s staff and social workers, and many received intensive and focused management of their salaried income. All these efforts were focused on a single goal: a financially and mentally independent and stable lifestyle,” he said.

Rabbi Stern introduced Rabbi Yosef Adler, recipient of the 2013 Rabbinic Leadership Award. Rabbi Adler shared heartfelt words about Project Ezrah and a community’s responsibility to care for its own.

Nine couples received the Ezrah Award, presented each year to community leaders who have uncompromisingly extended their hands to help their neighbors. Each one of the 2013 honorees is very unique and very special to Project Ezrah; they have given financially, but more importantly, they have given of their time, they have shared their expertise when needed, and they have truly stood by and been stalwart supporters of Project Ezrah and, through this organization, of this community.

The honorees are listed below:

Aviva and Gershon Distenfeld, members of Congregation Rinat Yisrael, are very involved in tuition affordability. They truly take to heart the plight of neighbors who are crumbling under financial obligations they cannot meet and, even more so, work tirelessly to find an appropriate solution.

Chani and Jonah Fink believe that charity begins at home—which starts with Congregation Ohr HaTorah and continues on to Project Ezrah. They see Project Ezrah as the home team we all must support and rally around.

Faigi and Stanley Fischman, long standing members of Congregation B’nai Yeshuruan and mainstays of Yeshivat Ben Porat Yosef consistently put tzedakah into their daily lives. For the last 11 years they have made a donation each month to Project Ezrah. Those who know Stanley realize how much his book, Seven Steps to ‘Mentschhood, is a testament to all he stands for.

Nechama and Yoni Greenfield, though members of Congregation Zichron Mordechai, are really members of the immediate Project Ezrah family.  Yoni, always with a smile and a joke, is the go-to person for all Project Ezrah’s computer issues and cries for help. Nechama and the Greenfield children have always stepped in to help with the Purim project, taking on the largest routes single- handedly.

Reshi and Yosef Isaacs were both raised in homes where doing for others was more important than doing for yourself, and it shows in their every gesture. Therefore, they view Project Ezrah as their shaliach and are grateful that families in need can reach out to Project Ezrah for help. Reshi and Yosef don’t stop; they are also stalwart supporters of their shul, Congregation Beth Aaron, Chai Lifeline, Hatzolah of the Catskills, and Sinai Schools.

Sarah and Daniel Lerer are warm, generous and friendly people with a dedication to Klal Yisrael that sets an important example to their shul, B’nai Yeshurun and our community.  In fact, though the following day was their daughter’s bat mitzvah, they sincerely believed their place was at the dinner, among the Project Ezrah community of supporters.

Lillie and Stuart Mentzel have held leadership roles in Congregation Shomrei Torah for over four decades. They feel that the most integral part of being a member of a community is being involved, and that shows in their hearts of gold and their continuous willingness to help. Lillie and Stu are pillars of chesed, and with their enormous energy involve themselves in so many of our community’s vital organizations, including the Leah Sokoloff Nursery School, which they helped build, and Sinai Schools.

Elana and Marc Rothenberg are very active members of Congregation Keter Torah and are engaged with both the spiritual and social aspects of the shul, consistently opening their home for shiurim. They also are strongly committed to the quality and importance of education and in that regard are extremely active in their children’s schools, Noam, TABC and May’ayanot, where Marc is a board member. Marc is also a member of Project Ezrah’s board, where his expertise and insight is appreciated and valued.

Nicola and Zvi Weiss became involved with Project Ezrah because they liked that it not only provides financial support to friends and neighbors, but it also has a large network of people who donate their time and services. They are active members of Congregation Ahavath Torah, involved at The Moriah School, and volunteer for the CSS.

By Elizabeth Kratz

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