In my article last week honoring Rav Teitz, zt”l (“My 33 Years With Rav Elazar Mayer Teitz, zt”l,” February 6, 2025), it was inadvertently recorded that the Beth Din of America established new places to write gittin in the New York area including Teaneck, Livingston and Edison. However, these now well-accepted innovations are the fruit of the efforts of the Beth Din of Elizabeth, headed by its Av Beth Din (chief justice) Rav Teitz. It should be noted, though, that the Beth Din of America’s Av Beth Din Rav Gedalia Schwartz approved of all of the locations about which the Beth Din of Elizabeth consulted him for confirmation of Rav Teitz’s ruling, including Teaneck. Other new places the Beth Din of Elizabeth established to write gittin include Allentown, New Rochelle, White Plains, Cherry Hill and Fair Lawn (in case of exceptional need). We also revived the traditions for writing gittin in Fort Lee and Yonkers.