March 9, 2025

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Clifton Honors Israel’s Fallen

Howard Malaky at Clifton’s Israeli
flag-raising event.

Aliza Bloom’s coverage of the Israeli flag-raising ceremony at Clifton City Hall missed a few points. (“Clifton City Hall Raises Israeli Flag,” May 30, 2024).

This wasn’t a political event. The very moving and emotional rendition of the prayer for the chayalim (IDF soldiers) and Kaddish (prayer for the dead) was delivered by Howard Malaky (Chaim Malachi), followed by his leading the singing of “Oseh Shalom” by all in attendance. Malaky preceded the recitations with a poignant speech asking the audience to vicariously join with parents and families who must surrender their children and loved ones to the IDF to fight the scourge of evil. Following the ceremony, many commented on the positive experience of the presentation. Malaky proudly saluted as the Israeli flag was hoisted high.

This was the third year it was requested that he appear at the event, by popular demand.

Let us recall Balaam’s observation: “Behold … it is a people that dwells alone and is not reckoned among the nations.” (Bamidbar 23:9) While it’s heartening to hear that so many political figures attended and rally for Israel, let us never forget that the only true, staunch ally of Israel is Hashem.

P.S. Kudos should have been given to the diligent work of event organizer, Steve Goldberg, whose speech at the ceremony appeared in the previous issue of The Jewish Link.

Todah rabah. Am Yisrael Chai!

Hindishe Lee
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