February 8, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Teaneck Women’s Tefillah Celebrates Purim

Teaneck Women’s Tefillah (TWT) is holding their annual reading of Megillat Esther on Purim night, Wed. March 23rd, starting promptly at 8 pm. For information about the private home location, email: [email protected].  On Purim day March 24th, TWT members will participate in the Megillah reading for women at 11 am at The Jewish Center of Teaneck, 70 Sterling Place.


Motzei Shabbat, March 19

“Shomeret of Kever Rachel”

9:00PM, Congregation Beth Aaron,  950 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck

Miriam Adani, the “Shomeret of Kever Rachel” will speak about the current situation at Kever Rachel and the soldiers who guard it at a Melava Malka at 8:00 p.m., on Saturday night, March 19, at Congregation Beth Aaron.  She also will show a short video.

Sunday, March 20

Pre-Purim Children’s Party

9:30-11:30AM, Yeshivat Noam, 70 West Century Road, Paramus.

For children ages four and younger. Art, music, movement and stories.  For questions or more information contact Marissa Barashi at 201-261-1919 x110.

Family Purim Carnival

1:00-4:00PM, Kaplen JCC on the Palisades, 411 E. Clinton Ave, Tenafly

Bring your children in their favorite Purim costumes to enjoy train rides, junior bounce and moon bounce, slides, games, prizes, life-size cartoon characters, cotton candy, a costume parade and more. Suggested entrance donation:  $1 per person or non-perishable food item to be donated to the Center for Food Action. All ride & game tickets sold on $25 cards for 30 tickets.

Night Out to Benefit Bonei Olam

8:00PM, Congregation Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Ave, Teaneck

Featuring master mentalist & magician Oz Pearlman. Lavish buffet by Five Star Caterers. For more info, see www.boneiolam.org.

Wednesday, March 23

A Wild West Purim

7:35PM, Anshei Lubavitch, 10-10 Plaza Rd Fair Lawn

Hamentashen, Graggers, Western Style Masquerade, Children’s Megillah reading with slide show.  Adult only Megillah reading 7:35. Cowboy Show at 8:35. Food Available for purchase. Free admission.

Purim Celebration & Dance Party

7:30PM, Avenue Event Space, 1382 Queen Anne Rd, Teaneck

Friends of Lubavitch of Bergen County presents Megillah reading followed by break-fast and dancing. Animated megillah show during reading of the megillah. Treats for every child during the megillah reading. Live music, huge buffet break-fast, masquerade contest for all ages. Only 200 people can fit in room so first 200 people that come are in. $180 sponsor. RSVP to [email protected].


Sunday, March 27

Friends of Lubavitch of Bergen County 19th Annual Dinner

5:00PM-Reception, 6:00PM- Dinner, Woodcliff Lake Hilton, 200 Tico Blvd, Woodcliff Lake

Guests of Honor: Susan & Richard Polevoy, Carol & Michael Roth, Dr. Ben Kershenbaum. Preschool Parents of the Year: Miriam & Dr. David Kaminetzky. Musical entertainment by 8th Day. For more information see www.chabadhouse.com/annualdinner, email [email protected] or call 201-9047-0686.


Wednesday, March 30

Movie Screening: Reb Elimelech and the Chassidic Legacy of Brotherhood

8:00 PM, YM-YWHA of Union County, 501 Green Lane, Union
$3 in advance $5 at the door. Call and reserve at (908) 289-8112

Sunday, April 3

Project S.A.R.A.H 10th Annual Breakfast

9:30-11:30AM, Congregation Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Ave, Teaneck

Honorees: Rabbi Haim Jachter-Rabbinical Support Award, Robin Niman- Magen Yeladim Hero Award, National Council of Jewish Women & Marcia Levy -Volunteer Recognition Award. Keynote Speaker: Judy Brown- Author of Hush and This is Not a Love Story. The event is free and babysitting will be provided. For reservations: www.ProjectSARAH.org.


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