March 4, 2025

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Thursday, January 14

Ten Plagues on Pharaoh’s House: Making Sense of the Makkot

8:30PM, Yeshivat Noam Middle School Beit Knesset, 70 W Century Rd, Paramus

Yeshivat Noam’s Parent Education Committee is pleased to present an exciting evening event with renowned scholar Dr. Yael Ziegler. The entire community is invited, and the event is free of charge. For more information [email protected]. Dr. Yael Ziegler is a lecturer in Tanakh at Herzog College and Matan. She received her B.A. from Stern College and an M.A. and Ph.D. From Bar Ilan University. Dr. Ziegler has lectured widely on various Tanakh topics in Israel, the United States, South Africa, Australia, and Europe. She lives in Alon Shvut, Israel, with her husband and their five children. Dr. Ziegler is the author of «Promises to Keep: The Oath in Biblical Narrative» and «Ruth: From Alienation to Monarchy.»

Shabbat, January 15-16

Ohel Shabbaton

Congregation Ahavath Torah, 240 Broad Ave, Englewood

Scholar in Residence: Dr. Norman Blumenthal, Guest Chazzan: Shloime Dachs.

Motzei Shabbat, January 16

Rising From Divorce: Special Feature Film

7:30PM, Congregation Ahavath Torah, 240 Broad Ave, Englewood

Intrduction bY Rabbi Goldin in The Parker Family Ballroom. Through the film, OHEL aims to better educate the community about the impact of divorce and the specific roles that the wider community, Rabbis, community leaders and educators canplay, to help ensure that both parents of divorce and children of divorce can thrive.

Yavneh Academy Annual Dinner

7:45PM, Marriott at Glenpointe, Teaneck

Honoring Paramus Mayor Richard LaBarbiera, Community Service Award, and Dr. Sarah Feit, Faculty Service Award.  For more information, please contact Michelle Weinraub at [email protected] or visit

Sunday, January 17

RYNJ 78th Annual Dinner

6:00PM, Congregation Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Ave, Teaneck

Mrs. Miriam Levy- Educator of the Year, Rachel & Azi Mandel- Guests of Honor. For more information, reservations or to place an ad, visit

Tivuch Shelly Parlor Meeting

8:00PM, Sammy’s Café, 1439 Queen Anne Rd, Teaneck

Come hear about the best housing offers in Israel: Purchase now and receive special winter prices.

Shainfeld/Beit Shemesh, Ganei Ha’Ela/Ramat Beit Shemesh, Jerusalem/Arnona, Modi’in, Efrat, Mazkeret Batya.

Monday, January 18

Street Smart Game Shows for Singles

8:00PM, Congregation Bnai Yeshurun, 641 W Englewood Ave, Teaneck

Join other singles for an informal evening of fun.  Street Smart Game Shows encourages people to participate in trivia and physical challenges which will bring laughter and delight to everyone present.   It is a great opportunity to mingle informally and maybe even meet that someone special!

Advance tickets are $15 until January 10th and $25 at the door. Light refreshments will be served.

For further information and to reserve your spot please contact [email protected].

Wednesday, January 20

Spiritual and Practical Legacies

Part I: Jewish Ethical Wills

12-2PM,  Jewish Federation, 50 Eisenhower Drive, Paramus

With Rabbi Debra Orenstein. Rabbi Orenstein delves into our Torah and presents how our ancestors dealt with inheritance. She will discuss Jewish values, and what you want to leave to future generations. Lunch will be served. Register at

Part II: Inventory Your Life

With Carol Kaufman, CEO, Carebinders. Carol Kaufman will tell her story how she found out she was a successor to her parents’ Donor Advised Fund at Federation after thinking she finally had settled their estate. This led Carol to develop Carebinders. Register at

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