February 25, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT




Cong. Rinat Yisrael Adult Education will host Rabbi Chanoch Waxman of Yeshivat Har Etzion in Israel as its Scholar in Residence.  389 W Englewood

He will present four talks:

Friday night before Maariv – “The Altar and the Meaning of Na’ase Ve’nishma”

Friday night oneg at 8:45 pm – “Dancing Before the Kallah: Of Brides, Rabbis and Bayit”

Shabbat morning during 9:00 am minyan – “The Many Stories of Sinai”

Shabbat afternoon after 4:55 pm Mincha – “Make Your Ears Like a Funnel: Conflict, Truth and the Forty-Nine Faces of Torah”

Rabbi Waxman earned Semicha and an M.A. in Jewish Philosophy from Yeshiva University, as well as an M.A. in General Philosophy from City University. He

previously served as Orthodox Rabbi at Princeton University Hillel as well as the Rabbi of the Albert Einstein Medical School Synagogue.


Congregation Bnai Yeshurun will host Prof Daniel Sinclair 641 W Englewood

Prof Daniel Sinclair will be the Joseph N Muschel Scholar In Residence

Friday night oneg, at 8:30 pm on “*A Jewish Law Perspective on the International Law of War

Shabbat morning following Shacharit in the Old main (approx.

10:45 am) on *“Keep Afar from a False Matter but the Truth May be

Distorted: Obfuscations and Fictitious Attributions in the Halakhah”*


After Mincha***, at 5:15 pm on *“Kiddush Hashem and the Halakhic

Turn to Non-Jewish Standards in Religious and Moral Matters”*


Shabbat Afternoon Scholar Series  Congregation Netivot Shalom 811 Palisade Ave

Monthly talk between mincha and maariv by local scholars  4:66PM

Sarah Rindner Lander College for Women “The Truth the Dead Know; A Literary Reading of Berachot 18b


Motzei Shabbat February 14th

Annual Evening of Wine   9:00PM  Congregation Ahavath Torah   240 Broad Avenue  Englewood

Wine tasting will be provided by Wine Country and West Hills Project will join in playing jazz.  Enjoy delectable cheese  and desserts.   Advance Pricing  $20 Individual/$36 Couple  Door Pricing $25 Individual/ $45 Couple

For further information email Sisterhood at:[email protected]

Young Israel of Teaneck 16th  Annual Dinner

Honoring Mark and Rachelle Zomick and Matt and Tamar Lowe

Sunday, February 15th

Yeshiva University Student Medical Ethics Society, Yeshiva University’s Center for the Jewish Future and the Abraham Arbesfeld Kollel Yom Rishon and Millie Arbesfeld Midreshet Yom Rishon present a community symposium on “ Taking Control: Ethical and Halachic Implications of BRCA Screening and Elective Egg Freezing.”   9:30AM  Wilf Campus Yeshiva University

Presenters include Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman, Professor of Emergency Medicine and Professor of Education and Bioethics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Medicine, Nicole Schreiber-Agus, PhD, Director, Program for Jewish Genetic Health, Yeshiva University and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Rabbi Kenneth Brander, Vice President for University and Community Life, Yeshiva University, and Rabbi Dr. Zalman Levine, Director, Fertility Institute of New Jersey and New York.   For more information and to register, visit: http://yu.convio.net/medicalethics.

NAVIGATING THE SYSTEM  8:30AM  (Registration)  – 1:00PM

A collaborative community conference for Parents and Caregivers on navigating the system of disability services in New Jersey. Workshop sessions include: SSI/Medicaid Eligibilities, Housing, Employment, Life Care Planning and Support and Advocacy. Pre-registration recommended

Co-sponsored by J-ADD, OHEL and the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades,  Registration at 8:30 am,   Free & open to the community


For more information and registration please contact the OHEL Teaneck Mental Health Center at 201.692.3972


Nachum Segal   Shacharit 8:30AM  lecture at       9:15 AM

Synagogue of the Suburban Torah Center  85 W Mt Pleasant Ave Livingston

“On Prayer, Priorities and People”  Breakfast

Congregation Ohr Hatorah Sisterhood  8:00PM 36 Rector Ct Bergenfield

Abbey of Not2Shabbey will bring glass table top pieces  to paint and  techniques  will be taught.  $10/person!   Check the website  of her unique hand painted collections yet   not2shabbey.com or in person at On the Table on Queen  Anne Road   R.S.V.P. to [email protected] please


Navigating Parenthood – The World’s Hardest Job   8:00PM  Series of six lectures given by Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein

Anshei Lubavitch 10-10 Plaza Rd Fairlawn

Monday, February 16th

An Evening of Torah, Dinner and Chesed  6:45PM  Cong Shomrei Torah 19-20 Morlot Avenue Fairlawn

Presented by TorahWeb.org and Torah Tuesday – a special presentation by Dr Ira Cochin in honor of the publication of his new book on the Holocaust.  Rabbi Mordechai Willig will speak at 8:00PM on” What Do I Do vs What I Am” and Rabbi Dr Abraham Twerski will speak at 8:45PM on “Middle Age and Beyond”  Cost of dinner is $25 by reservation only at [email protected]

Tuesday, February 17th

Libby Kolb Chapter of Emunah  8:00PM   Presents Easy Enough for Everyday – Special Enough for Shabbos – a night of fun and cooking with Elizabeth Kurtz – gourmetkoshercooking.com at the home of Tamar Berkowitz 509 Warwick Teaneck

Wednesday, February 18th

Krav Maga  7:00PM following 6:45PM Maariv  Congregation Etz Chaim

For grade 9 and up as well as adults Free

Thursday, February 19th

Six Week Series on Prophets amd Prophesy Maayanot High School 1650 Palisade Avenue Teaneck

Given by Mrs Leah Herzog, Tanach Teacher  Maayanot High School  11:45AM Library

Shabbat February 21

Congregation Etz Chaim

Shiur after davening – “Proper Shiva Call Etiqauette – How to Make a Shiva Call”

Motzei Shabbat  February 21th

Sharsheret Young Professionals Networking Night 8 p.m.

Meet, mingle, and network with other young professionals  Enjoy an open bar, great food, billiards, ping-pong and more at Slate in the Flatiron District located at 54 West 21st Street, NYC. $75 per person, $150 per couple. Visit www.sharsheret.org to register.


Improv Comedy Night with Gumshoe Comedy Troup 8:30PM   Congregation Adath Yisrael  1391 North Avenue Elizabeth

$36 per couple – Chinese Buffet Please RSVP by Feb 14th to Steve Rosen at [email protected] or scott susier  [email protected]

Art Auction  7:30 Preview  8:00PM Auction    Suburban Torah Center 85 W Mt Pleasant Ave Livingston

$20 per person  $36 per couple  wine, cheese, dessert

Sunday, February 22

Mesifta Tifereth Yerushalayim Breakfast 9:00AM  Congregation Bnai Yeshurun 641 W Englewood

Speaker Harav Reuven Feinstein.  Alumnus Award Fred Koss  For further information contact 201 862 0699

NJ Yachad Shake It Up Group – a social group for adults 18+ Trip to Medieval Times.  Call Reva Judas 201 833 1349 or [email protected]

Talent Show    Congregation Ohr Torah  270 Pleasant Valley Way W Orange

4 – 5:30PM  For information contact [email protected]

Rav Moshe Weinberger   8:00PM   Beis Medrash Program Congregation Bnai Yeshurun  641 W Englewood

Mi’ Shenichnas Adar – So What?  Bringing Happiness and Emunah Into Our Lives

Rav Weinberger has served as mashpia at Yesiva University since 2013.

Congregation Beth Aaron Annual Dinner  5:00PM

Honoring Arlene and Arthur Eis as well as Youth Leaders Erica and Jason David.

Navigating Parenthood – The World’s Hardest Job   8:00PM  Series of six lectures given by Rabbi Avrohom Bergstein              Anshei Lubavitch 10-10 Plaza Rd Fairlawn

Monday February 23

Yachad Mothers’ Support Group   9:30 AM  Rinat Yisrael 389 W Englewood, Teaneck

A unique series for mothers of children with special needs. Bassie Taubes, RN,

OCVN CBCN Certified Health Coach Wellness wisdom LLC-Eat Well Move Well, Sleep Well 3 ingredients to help cope with stress Workshops are free of charge and requires registration. Breakfast will be served. All sessions will be followed by a support group led by Chani Herrmann LMSW Director of NJ Yachad RSVP to [email protected]

Thursday, ebruary 26th

Six Week Series on Prophets amd Prophesy Maayanot High School 1650 Palisade Avenue Teaneck

Given by Mrs Leah Herzog, Tanach Teacher  Maayanot High School  11:45AM Library.

Zayin Adar  Chevra Kadisha Zayin Adar     5:15 PM  Congregation  Bnai  Yeshurun 641 W Englewood

“What Factors Produced the World’s Most Perfect Man.”  For reservations call Warren Levie at 201 923 1430.

Sunday, February 28th

Twisted Trivia Night  8:00PM  Congregation Beth Tefillah 452 Forest Ave Paramus. Tickets are $30 in advance and $40 at the door and include dinner, raffles and fun trivia games as well as a giant spinning wheel  Tickets are available at http://cbtparamus.org/store

March 1

The Fair Lawn Jewish Center/Congregation Bnai Israel Annual Purim Carnival    10:30AM – 1:00PM

10-10 Norma Avenue Fairlawn  201 796 5040

New and classic carnival games to play! Amazing prizes to win! Have fun jumping in the Bounce House! Win a goldfish!  Enjoy a delicious treat at the Purim Cafe. Create a beautiful sand art or have your face painted. Come in Costume. Open to the entire community!


Halachic Organ Donor Society 4th Annual  5 K Race in Central Park

For further information contact www.hods.org/race

March 1 – 3rd

The AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington  To register, contact Arielle Brenner at [email protected]

Tuesday, March 3rd

Sisterhood Women’s Health Evening 7:30PM sponsored by Congregation Etz Chaim Livingston, NJ   40 Chelsea Drive Livingston, NJ

Dr Alison Grann :  Updates on Breast Cancer, Facts and Fiction

Shari-Beth Susskind – Nutritional Health Coach and Personal Trainer – 10 Rules for Weight Loss  Followed by Q and A and dessert.  RSVP Michelle Berger, Chair [email protected]  973 994 5185

Wednesday, March 4th   Erev Purim

Chabad at West Orange  395 W  Pleasant Valley Way  W Orange  6:00PM

Grand Purim Party, Megillah Reading, Music Food/Drinks, Adult Beverages Come in Costume, Free

[email protected]  973 325 6311

Thursday, March 5th  PURIM

Chabad of West Orange   395 W Pleasant Valley Way W Orange

Megillah Reading 8:30AM  and 4:30PM

11:30AM JCC Metrowest  760 Northfield Ave, West Orange

Motzei Shabbat  March 7th

Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner  8:30pm  Congregation Keter Torah 800 Roemer Avenue Teaneck

Honoring Rena and Menachem Schnaidman with the Keter Shem Tov Award, Chani and David Moss as the Amudei Ma’ayanot Honorees, Sharon and Ari Wieder as Parents of the Year, and Rabbi Donny Besser as Teacher of the Year. For more information and to make a reservation call Pam Ennis at 201 833 4307 ext 265 or email [email protected]

Netivot Shalom Annual Dinner  8:00PM  Fairlawn Jewish Center 10-10 Norma Ave Fairlawn

Honoring Leah and Alex Moskovits with the Sema Heller Memorial Award and Fred Schulman with a Service Award

Sunday, March 8th

Pre-Pesach Wine Tasting and Wandering Que  Congregation Beth Aaron, 950 Queen Anne Road   Noon – 9:00PM until supplies run out!

Questions to [email protected].

Thursday, March 12th

Six Week Series on Prophets amd Prophesy Maayanot High School 1650 Palisade Avenue Teaneck

Given by Mrs Leah Herzog, Tanach Teacher  Maayanot High School  11:45AM Library

Sunday, March 15th

Project SARAH Annual Breakfast.  9:30 – 11:30AM  Congregation Keter Torah  600 Roemer Avenue Teaneck

Rabbi Jonathan Knapp and Yavneh Academy will receive the Aleinu

Hero Award.   Keynote speaker is Jill Starishevsky, New York City Prosecutor of Child Abuse/Sex Crimes and author of My Body Belongs

To Me.    RSVP to 973-777-7638, projectsarah.org.


BNOT Pre-Pesach Boutique      4:30 – 9:00 PM.  Congregation Bnai Yeshurun   641 W Englewood Teaneck


* jewelry * baby gear * clothing * hats * tablecloths

* judaica * decorative home items * giftware * hair accessories *

Bring your jewelry to SELL FOR CASH!   The Wandering Que

Traveling Texas BBQ.

Cooking Demonstration with Jamie Geller  6:00PM   Suburban Torah Center 85 West Mount Pleasant Avenue Livingston New Jersey

In conjunction with Etz Chaim RSVP and Couvert:  $72 Sponsorship – Reserved Seat, Free Joy of Kosher Cookbook and Magazine

$50- Free Joy of Kosher Cookbook and Magazine

$36 Teen admission.  Questions contact Michelle Amin at [email protected] or at 973 992 9294

Monday March 16

Yachad Mothers’ Support Group  9:30AM  Cong Rinat Yisrael, 389 W Englewood Teaneck

A unique series for mothers of children with special needs.Batya Jacob CCC(A)

Director of Educational Support Services Yachad Advocacy 101How to be the best parent advocate for your child and yourself Workshops are free of charge and requires registration. Breakfast will be served. All sessions will be followed by a support groupled by Chani Herrmann LMSW Director of NJ Yachad RSVP to [email protected]

Thursday, March 19th

Six Week Series on Prophets amd Prophesy Maayanot High School 1650 Palisade Avenue Teaneck

Given by Mrs Leah Herzog, Tanach Teacher  Maayanot High School  11:45AM Library

SHABBAT , March 21

Shabbat Chazzanut 9:00AM       Young Israel of Teaneck 868 Perry Lane Teaneck


Cantor Netanel Hershtik and the Hamptons Synagogue Choir will lead a Carlebach davening on Friday night and a regular Shabbat morning davening in the morning.

Everyone is welcome.

Thursday, March 26th

Six Week Series on Prophets amd Prophesy Maayanot High School 1650 Palisade Avenue Teaneck

Given by Mrs Leah Herzog, Tanach Teacher  Maayanot High School  11:45AM Library

Sunday, May 3rd

Sharsheret Annual Breakfast  10:30AM  Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe 100 Frank W Burr Blvd  Teaneck

Linda Gerstel and Ed Joyce Guests of Honor, Alissa Zagha, Lisa Altman Volunteer Tribute   For further information 866 474 2774

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