March 11, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Community Calendar March 14th

Shabbat  March 14th

Rabbi Berel Wein, Scholar in Residence  Congregation Bnai Yeshurun  641 W Englewood Teaneck

Shabbos Morning 10:45 a.m. (approx.) – Old Main

“Ways of Pleasantness” Before Mincha, Shabbat afternoon 5:55 p.m.

“Rav Kook and His Times” Shabbat Afternoon After Mincha (Mincha at 6:40 p.m.)

“Nineteenth Century Eastern Europe and Today’s

Jewish World”

Pre Pesach Community  Beit Midrash        4:00 – 6:00PM  Congregation Rinat Yisrael  689 W Englewood Teaneck

A  joint program shared by Congregation Rinat Yisrael and Congregation Beth Shalom on the theme:”How Jews Relate to our Enemies.”  Study materials will be available in the original language as well as in English translaton, enabling participants at all levels of Jewish knowledge to take an active part .  Rabbi Yosef Adler (Rinat Yisrael) and Rabbi Joel Pitkowsky (Beth Shalom) will conclude the event with remarks..

Rabbi Yitzchak Blau, Rosh Yeshiva and Shana Bet Ra’m at Yeshivat Orayta will be school in residence.     Congregation Keter Torah  600 Roemer Ave Teaneck

Sunday, March 15th

GOOD DEEDS DAY –  Federation of Northern New Jersey  50 Eisenhower Drive, Paramus

Please bring food for local food pantries (no glass or perishables) to the Federation’s offices, by 1:00 p.m.

Project SARAH Annual Breakfast.  9:30 – 11:30AM  Congregation Keter Torah   800 Roemer Ave Teaneck

Honorees: Rabbi Shmuel Goldin-Rabbinical Support Award, Rabbi Jonathan Knapp and

Yavneh Academy- Aleinu Hero Award Rivka Zauderer, Aliza Schachter and Rachel Wertenteil-Volunteer Recognition Awards. Keynote Speaker: Jill Starishevsky- New York City Prosecutor of Child Abuse/Sex Crimes and Author, My Body Belongs To Me. Reservations:

BNOT Pre-Pesach Boutique      4:30 – 9:00 PM.  Congregation Bnai Yeshurun   641  W Englewood Teaneck

* jewelry * baby gear * clothing * hats * tablecloths  ,   * judaica * decorative home items * giftware * hair accessories *   Bring your jewelry to SELL FOR CASH!   The Wandering Que  Traveling Texas BBQ

Cooking Demonstration with Jamie Geller  6:00PM   Suburban Torah Center 85

West Mount Pleasant Avenue Livingston New Jersey

In conjunction with Etz Chaim RSVP and Couvert:  $72 Sponsorship – Reserved    Seat, Free Joy of Kosher Cookbook and Magazine  $50- Free Joy of Kosher Cookbook and Magazine   $36 Teen admission.  Questions contact Michelle Amin at   [email protected] or at 973 992 9294

The Maccabeats in Concert  2 PM  Kaplen JCC on the Palisades  411 E Clifton Ave Tenafly

Purchase tickets online at or call Judi at 201 408 1450

Proceeds of ticket sales benefit programs for senior adult services at the JCC

Monday March 16

US First Ladies: Four Part Series with Marty Alboum  11:15AM   Free at the JCC on the Palisades  411 E Clinton Ave Tenafly

Mr Alboum will explore the unique characteristics  of four first ladies, beginning with Martha Washington and including Dolly Madison, Mary Todd Lincoln and Elearnor Roosevelt

Yachad Mothers’ Support Group  9:30AM Cong Rinat Yisrael, 389 W Englewood  Teaneck

A unique series for mothers of children with special needs.Batya Jacob CCC(A)

Director of Educational Support Services Yachad Advocacy 101How to be the best

parent advocate for your child and yourself Workshops are free of charge and

requires registration. Breakfast will be served. All sessions will be followed by a

support group led by Chani Herrmann LMSW Director of NJ Yachad RSVP to

[email protected]

From Caregiver to Perpetrator: How to Recognize and report Elder Abuse  7PM  JCC on the Palisades 411 E Clinton Ave Tenafly

This presentation will train people to recognize and report elder abuse.  Topics discussed will include signs and tools for identifying abuse and understanding frustration, and will feature in person testimonials.  Resources and additional information will be provided for families.  For further information, contact Judi at 201 408 1450.

Tuesday, March 17th

Yeshivat Noam  13th Annual Dinner  Congregation Keter Torah 600 Roemer Avenue

Honorees: Sheva & Dov Adler, Deborah & Eitan Fiorino, Ilissa Green and Rachel Levy. To make a reservation and/or contribution, please register at or call 201-261-1919 x126.

Wednesday, March 18th

TABC is bringing students to NYC, working with Midnight Run, a volunteer organization dedicated to finding common ground between the housed and the homeless. They are looking for donations of coats, pants, socks, undergarments, shirts, shoes, or gloves/hats (preferred sizes L/XL, mens clothing, dark colored). Donations can be dropped off at 312 Churchill Road. Yosef Glatter or Meir Tolchin can be contacted at [email protected] for any questions. All donations are greatly appreciated.

Thursday, March 19th

Six Week Series on Prophets and Prophesy Maayanot High School 1650 Palisade Avenue Teaneck

Given by Mrs Leah Herzog, Tanach Teacher  Maayanot High School  11:45AM Library

Academies at Gerrard BermanDay School will be hosting its annual event at  Neiman Marcus, Garden StatePlaza, Paramus, NJ on Thursday, March 19th,  6:30-8:30 pm.   “Retirement and Recommitment” party for shoes,handbags, and cosmetics.  Renowned   personal shopper Benji Meyerson and cosmeticians will be on hand to provide makeovers and  share about the latest fashions and hottest brands.  Relax in Neiman’s hip Rotunda Lounge and  enjoy a yummy Kosher supper!  $75/person; $325/table of 5; Event Co-Chairs- Natalie Haar &  Leah Matsil, Questions? Contact Amy Silna Shafron at (201)337-1111 or   [email protected],Academies at Gerrard Berman Day School, 45 Spruce Street, Oakland,    NJ 07436, (201) 337-1111, [email protected],  To register:

Congregation Beth Abraham    8:00PM    396 New Bridge Road Bergenfield

Will be hosting a free seminar for the entire community to discuss and answer questions about security concerns in our community.   The free seminar is open to the  entire community. The Bergenfield police department and 2 members of Homeland Security’s Faith Based Initiative Program will speak.. Everyone is encouraged to attend to learn what we can do to keep our shul as safe as possible.

Erev Shabbat March 20 – 21

Congregation Beth Aaron will host Jeremy Bob as Scholar-in-Residence.  950 Queen Anne Road Teaneck

Jeremy Bob is a foreign affairs lecturer and an international affairs commentator for the Jerusalem Post. He will speak on Friday night on “Iran’s Nuclear Threat –Negotiations.” On Shabbat, one hour before Mincha, the topic will be “Post Gaza – Israeli Security and Challenges, Including War Crimes Allegations,” and, between Mincha and Maariv, he will speak on “The Impact of Impending Israeli Elections.”

Congregation Beth Abraham will be hosting Rav Moshe Stav as  school in residence.

Rav Stav Ra”m at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh.

SHABBAT , March 21

Shabbat Chazzanut   9:00AM       Young Israel of Teaneck 868 Perry Lane Teaneck

Cantor Netanel Hershtik and the Hamptons Synagogue Choir will lead a Carlebach  davening on Friday night and a regular Shabbat morning davening in the morning.  Everyone is welcome.

Shabbat afternoon Scholar Series  Mincha at 6:35PM  Congregation Netivot Shalom  811 Palisade Avenue Teaneck

Jonathan Dauber Assoc Professor of Mysticism, Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies     Secrecy and the Beginnings of Kabbalah

Sunday, March 22nd

Yeshiva University’s Wilf Campus (2540 Amsterdam Avenue)  10:00AM,

Conversation with YU’s Kressel and Ephrat Family University Professor of Jewish Thought, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, and Joseph Lieberman Chair in Public Policy and Public Service at YU, Senator Joseph Lieberman, on the topic of “The Haggada’s Politics: From 2,000 Years Ago to Today,” moderated by Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik, Director of the Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought, Yeshiva University. Parking available by RSVP only. For information and to register, go to

Thursday, March 26th

Nostalgia Alley:Frank Sinatra Duets with Mike Sobel  11:15AM  JCC on the Palisades  411 E Clinton Ave  Tenafly Learn about Sinatra’s collaborations with Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, Bing Crosby and more.

Sunday, March 29th

Gerrard Berman Day School presents:  4:30PMCelebrate Courage. Ignite Community. Yaron Svoray as portrayed in HBO’s “The Infiltrator.” Reception and Lecture at Temple Israel, 475 Grove Street, Ridgewood, NJ    $36 per person  $25 per student    To   register:

Born to Holocaust survivors on an Israeli kibbutz, Yaron Svoray became a paratrooper in the IDF, a detective inthe Tel Aviv central police force, and a spy. Yaron spent nearly a year  undercover, inside the German Neo Nazi movement, gathering evidence of thei r terrorist activities. His information led to the arrests of the movement’s leaders, and his exploits became an HBO movie, starring Oliver Platt, entitled “The Infiltrator.”

Thursday, April 16th

The Jewish Community Council of Teaneck invites everyone to a Survivors and Survival, a special observance of Yom Hashoa, Holocaust Memorial Day, on Thursday, April 16, 2015 at Teaneck High School. A pre-event reception honoring the survivors in our community will be held, marking the seventy-sixth anniversary of the start of the Shoah.

Sunday, May 3rd

Sharsheret Annual Breakfast  10:30AM  Teaneck Marriott at

я Linda Gerstel and Ed Joyce Guests of Honor, Alissa Zagha, Lisa Altman  Volunteer Tribute   For further information 866 474 2774

Sunday, June 3rd

Congregation Beth Abraham Annual Dinner    Congregation Keter Torah 600 Roemer Avenue Teaneck

Honoring 25 Years of Dedication of Rabbi Yaakov and Peshie Neuberger.

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