March 12, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Thursday, May 15th

Prepare for College – Learn to Fight Back! How to Respond to Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism on Campus. Program for High School Students in Grades 10 -12 7:00PM – 9:00PM Fairlawn Jewish Center, 10-10 Norma Avenue, Fairlawn

Shabbat, May 17th

Avi Silverman of Nefesh B’Nefesh 6:45PM Congregation Beth Aaron

Queen Anne Road

Medinat Yisrael: Does It Still Inspire?

Sunday, May 18th LAG B’OMER

Parade, BBQ and Carnival 10:30 – 2:00PM Chabad of Tenafly 11 Harold Street Tenafly

March begins at 10:30AM Rides, Live Music, Entertainment for kids beginning at 12:00 Food, drinks and rides for purchase.

GIRLS BASKETBALL CLINIC 2:00 – 4:00pm Ma’ayanot Gym 1650 Palisade Ave

Improve basketball skills and learn how to play in a game.

3rd –5th grade girls

$20 with advance registration, $22 at the door

For more information or to register for the clinic contact Coach Jen Sanders at 201-833-4307, ext. 224

Monday, May 19th

The Secrets of the Garden 8:00PM Chabad of Teaneck 513 Kenwood Place

4 Essential relationship principles learned from the story of life in the Garden of Eden. Chana Weisberg editor of The Jewish is the presenter. Desserts by Rivky. $18 per person. RSVP [email protected] or 201-907-0686.

Tuesday, May 20th 7:00PM Congregation Beth Shalom, 354 Maitland Avenue

Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School presents

HEARTBEATS 2014, “A Night of the Arts.” Tickets for the program (for women only), in support of Chabad’s Children of Chernobyl campaign, are $10 in advance, $12 at the door, and $8 for students. Order tickets at [email protected].

Wednesday, May

21 12:00 Young Israel of Ft Lee, 1610 Parker Avenue, Ft Lee (entrance on Old Palisades Road)

Lunch and Learn Rabbi Jacob Reiner will speak on The Historical Dimensions of Anti-Semitism

Rabbi Reiner will discuss the diverse developments of anti-Semitism throughout history – in the Classical period, the Medieval era, and the Modern era. He will discuss the different circumstances of these developments and their impact on current society. Q and A and Light Lunch to follow

Thursday, May 22

YACHAD ROCKS! Location 05 7:00PM – 11:00PM 500 West 34th St NYC

Featuring NYC Dueling Pianos, great food, open bar, raffle prizes, entertainment and memories. For current and former Yachad alumni.

$100 per person Sign up at

Shabbat, May 24th

Prof Aaron Koller, Assoc Professor of Bible and Assustant Dean, Yeshiva CollegeShabbat, Cong. Rinat Yisrael, 389 W. Englewood Ave., Teaneck

Rabbi Koller will speak on “Submissiveness vs. Assertiveness in the Jewish Tradition”

Friday evening before Maariv, Introductory talk, on Shabbat 9:00 minyan, “On the Economics of Shemitta and Yovel at 6:40PM “Bar Kochba in Rabbinic Thought” and at 7:40 Mincha “The Aqeda:The Submission or Assertiveness?”

Sunday, May 25th

Fifth Annual Torah Home Education Conference on Homeschooling

8:30AM – 6:00PM Moriah School, 53 South Woodland Street, Englewood

Childcare and a catered kosher lunch are available for an additional

fee. Register at Contact

Yael Aldrich, [email protected].

Ohr HatorahAnnual Barbeque 4:00 – 7:00PM at Lee Place Park

Food, fun and activites $8 Per adult, $5 per child. Register and pay on website – maximum $35 per family ,

Monday, May 26th

Color Me Fun 9:00AM Check In Yeshivat Noam, 70 West Century Rd, Paramus

10:00AM – Walk, Jog, Run 11:00AM Finish Line Celebration. Join in this messy family fitness experience. All ages welcome. Register by May 12th to get your Color Me Fun tee shirt, sunglasses and tattoos.

For further information [email protected]

Wednesday. May 28th

Ohr HaTorah Women’s Event, 8 pm at Privet Flowers: 1454 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ.

The cost of the event is $30 (includes vase, flowers, and supplies). Please RSVP by May 20th to [email protected]. Due to the nature of this event, advance email registration will be required. Space is limited.

Thursday, May 29th

Nechama Comfort Awareness Event featuring a fashion show of restrospective style through the decades. Reva Judas for rsvp 201-592-9302.

Sunday, June 1st

50th Annual Celebrate Israel Parade

2:30PM Israeli Day Concert in Central Park.

SHAVUOT June 4th and 5th

Community Wide Shavuot Program Featuring TABC Rebbeim 5:45PM Both Days of Yom Tov Cong Bnai Yeshurun on the first day and Congs Beth Aaron and Beth Abraham on the 2nd day of the chag.

Featuring:Rabbi Yosef Adler, Rabbi Howard Jachter, Rabbi Josh Kahn, Rabbi David Nachbar, Rabbi Nosson Rich and Rabbi Ezra Wiener

Sunday, June 8th

Heichal HaTorah Inaugural Dinner 7:30PM Congregation Bnai Yeshurun, 641 SWest Englewood Avenue, Teaneck

Celebrating its first year of learning. Honorees are Anya and Avi Giloni and Betti and Ari Jacobson as well as the schools students who are completeing Masechet Kiddush and Masechet Megillah. For more information email [email protected]

Shabbat, June 14th

Nerot Annual Women of the Year Dessert 4:45PM Congregation Rinat Yisrael, 389 W Englewood

Honoring and offering Hakarat Hatov to Rebbetzin Sheryl Adler and Amy Vogel.

Featuring guest speaker Mrs. Michal Jacob

Monday, June 16th

Congregation Keter Torah 14th Annual Dinner, 600 Roemer Avenue Teaneck

Honoring Tammy and Ken Secemski and Gila and Gary Elbaum with the Manischewitz Community Service Award.

Sunday, June 29th

Teaneck Community Collaborative Conference Congregation Bnai Jeshurun, 641 West Englewood

Yeshivat Hakotel, The Moriah School and Israel Yeshivot and seminaries in conjunction with Teaneck shuls and schools invite you to a community wide collaborative morning Yom Iyun focused on how to educate and inspire our children.


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