February 7, 2025

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Shabbat, May 10th

Rav Sharon Shalom, Congregation Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Avenue, Teaneck

Rav Shalom is the Rav of Beit Kinesset Kidoshei Yisrael in Kiryat Gat. Rav Shalom walked from Ethopia to the Sudan as a young boy on a treacherous journey with his dream to reach Jerusalem. He is one of the first Ethopian born commissioned officers in the IDF. He will speak various times over Shabbat.

IDF Shabbat at 10:00PM Congregation Bnai Jeshurun, 541 W Englewood

Col. Bentzi Gruber will speak on Ethics in the Field and include rare footage from the IDF. Program will take place in the social hall

Sunday, May 11th

Columnist and Author Caroline Glick 8:00PM Congregation Bnai Jeshurun, 541 W Englewood

Presented by the One Israel Fund and the Bnai Jeshurun Adult Education Committee. Ms Glick is the author of the new book, “The One Israel Solution”

Sponsored by Lenny and Chani Grunstein, in memory of Moshe Yonatan ben Yehuda Aryeh Leib, a”h

Monday, May 12th

Israel’s Chief Rabbi, HaRav David Lau 7:30PM Congregation Bnai Jeshurun, 541 West Englewood

Town meeting discussing “The World Jewish Community and Israel – A Shared Vision” sponsored by the Religious Zionists of America

Jewish Women’s Journey Through Life 8:00PM Congregation Rinat Yisrael, 389 W Englewood

Second annual community-wide Yoetzet event featuring Yoetzet Shoshana Samuels, Dr Naomi Greenblatt, Yoetzet Halacha Nechama Price and Rabbi Dr Zalman Levine. $10.00 To RSVP [email protected]

Tuesday, May 13th

Paradigm Shift: Transformational Life Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, 8:00PM – 9:30PM Lubavitch on the Palisades, 11 Harold St, Tenafly

Six session course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute. Part of a series marking 20 years since the passing of the”Rebbe”. The course will take place over six Tuesdays exploring Rabbi Schneerson’s philosophy and outlook. To register, visit www.myjli .com or call 201 871 1152 or email [email protected]

Wednesday, May 14th

Understanding the Digital Native 7:00PM TABC 1600 Queen Anne Road Teaneck

Parents of middle and high school students are invited to attend workshops on Social Media 101, Parenting Digital Natives: “ What Should and Should I Not be Worried About?” and “Tech Tools to Enhance Learning” Presentations given by Steven Finkelstein – Director of Guidance at TABC, Seth Dimbert – Director of Innovation at Yeshivat Noam and Vincent Varrassi – nationally acclaimed consultant. RSVP [email protected]

Thursday, May 15th

Prepare for College – Learn to Fight Back! How to Respond to Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism on Campus. Program for High School Students in Grades 10 -12 7:00PM – 9:00PM Fairlawn Jewish Center, 10-10 Norma Avenue, Fairlawn

Sunday, May 18th LAG B’OMER

Parade, BBQ and Carnival 10:30 – 2:00PM Chabad of Tenafly 11 Harold Street Tenafly

March begins at 10:30AM Rides, Live Music, Entertainment for kids beginning at 12:00 Food, drinks and rides for purchase.

Monday, May 19th

The Secrets of the Garden 8:00PM Chabad of Teaneck 513 Kenwood Place

4 Essential relationship principles learned from the story of life in the Garden of Eden. Chana Weisberg editor of The Jewish Woman.org is the presenter. Desserts by Rivky. $18 per person. RSVP [email protected] or 201-907-0686.

Thursday, May 22

YACHAD ROCKS! Location 05 7:00PM – 11:00PM 500 West 34th St NYC

Featuring NYC Dueling Pianos, great food, open bar, raffle prizes, entertainment and memories. For current and former Yachad alumni.

$100 per person Sign up at www.yachad.org/yachadrockshttp://www.yachad.org/yachadrocks

Monday, May 26th

Color Me Fun 9:00AM Check In Yeshivat Noam, 70 West Century Rd, Paramus

10:00AM – Walk, Jog, Run 11:00AM Finish Line Celebration. Join in this messy family fitness experience. All ages welcome. Register by May 12th to get your Color Me Fun tee shirt, sunglasses and tattoos.

For further information [email protected]

SHAVUOT June 4th and 5th

Community Wide Shavuot Program Featuring TABC Rebbeim 5:45PM Both Days of Yom Tov Cong Bnai Yeshurun on the first day and Congs Beth Aaron and Beth Abraham on the 2nd day of the chag.

Featuring:Rabbi Yosef Adler, Rabbi Howard Jachter, Rabbi Josh Kahn, Rabbi David Nachbar, Rabbi Nosson Rich and Rabbi Ezra Wiener

Monday, June 16th

Congregation Keter Torah 14th Annual Dinner, 600 Roemer Avenue Teaneck

Honoring Tammy and Ken Secemski and Gila and Gary Elbaum with the Manischewitz Community Service Award.

Sunday, June 29th

Teaneck Community Collaborative Conference Congregation Bnai Jeshurun, 641 West Englewood

Yeshivat Hakotel, The Moriah School and Israel Yeshivot and seminaries in conjunction with Teaneck shuls and schools invite you to a community wide collaborative morning Yom Iyun focused on how to educate and inspire our children.


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