On Shabbat, December 8-9, Congregation Beth Aaron will host as Scholars-in-Residence Rabbi Dr. Michael Rosensweig and Dr. Smadar Rosensweig. Rabbi Dr. Michael Rosensweig occupies the Nathan and Perel Schupf Chair in Talmud at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and is a Rosh Yeshiva in the Yeshiva Program/Mazer School of Talmudic Studies of Yeshiva University. Dr. Smadar Rosensweig is a Professor of Bible at Stern College for Women of Yeshiva University, as well as a Professor of Biblical Studies at Allegra Franco Sephardic Women’s Teachers College.
The schedule for the weekend is as follows: On Friday night, at 8:15 p.m., Professor Smadar Rosensweig will speak on “Why Are the Hashmonaim Kohanim the Heroes of Chanukah: The Answer Is in the Tanach.” On Shabbat, following the Kiddush after the Main Minyan, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig will give a presentation on “Spiritual Maximalism: The Central Theme of Chanukah.” Professor Smadar Rosensweig will speak at 3:00 p.m. on “Why Is Zechariah the Haftarah for Shabbat Chanukah,” and following Mincha at 4:00 p.m., Rabbi Michael Rosensweig will give a shiur on “The Mitzvah of Hadlakat Ner Chanukah: The Relationship between Substance and Impact.”
Congregation Beth Aaron is located at 950 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck.