February 9, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Coronavirus, Quarantines and Daf Yomi

In the March 5 issue of The Jewish Link of New Jersey there was a letter from my son Dan describing an accelerated Daf Yomi cycle which I began online (“Kol hakavod Dad!”). I call it ‘Chap-A-Daf ‘ since I access it whenever I have spare time during the day or night. This concept of learning more than one daf a day has been met with a favorable response among many of my family and friends and has even been mentioned in the March 7, 2020 program of The Siyum Live (at about the 55 minute mark) by R’ Schloime Schwartzberg. In a remarkable twist of irony, R’ Schwartzberg is the maggid shiur of the Daf HaChaim program I am following.

The reason for this letter now is that with the coronavirus raging around the globe and in the United States, so many people are either quarantined, self-quarantined or home-bound by choice. I think it is an excellent opportunity for those who now have more time to spend it learning more dafim. Even those who are in established Daf Yomi programs can continue their daily schedule, but in addition can also ‘chap-a-daf’ in masechtot later on in the cycle, and thus learn more.

Max Wisotsky
Highland Park
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