There was not a dull moment during Week 7 at Camp Shalom. Starting the week screaming for ice cream as Color War broke out, generals and captains jumped out of an ice cream truck in honor of National Ice Cream Sandwich Day (yes that’s a real thing). This year’s Color War teams, Emes (Pink and Blue), Chessed (Purple and Red) and Simcha (Yellow), competed in wacky games and exciting competitions. Campers swam relay races, and competed in three-point shootouts, cake wars, live game shows and even a bracha bee. All campers were extremely enthusiastic and full of ruach throughout the competition while cheering on fellow teammates. While most campers were competing in camp, they were also painting banners, writing songs, choreographing stomps and writing divrei Torah. Teams also competed in Ultimate Dodgeball, Freeze Dance, Beach Towel Volleyball, Name That Tune and a Go-Pro Apache Relay race.