February 19, 2025

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Daf Hashovua Celebrates Siyum in Passaic

(Courtesy of Daf Hashovua) This past Tuesday night, the international Daf Hashovua program celebrated another major milestone, the siyum of Maseches Rosh Hashana at Ohel Rivka Hall in Passaic, New Jersey. Mr. Shimi Globman, director of Daf Hashovua, welcomed the crowd of over 200 participants and thanked all the people that have contributed to the program’s amazing continued success. Mr. Globman extended special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Duvy Gross for their support of the program’s growth as well as to R’ Shlomo Abrahams, the founder and creator of Daf Hashovua. He wished a heartfelt mazel tov to all the 150 misaymim present at the siyum, in addition to the over 2,500 misaymim worldwide. He also welcomed the estimated 4,000 participants who are now beginning the new masechta, Ta’anis. Mr. Globman encouraged everyone to step up their participation by taking advantage of the many shiurim, mareh mekomos, weekly bechinos, and chaburos that Daf Hashovua offers. He also proposed that for the next siyum on Ta’anis, that will be’ezras Hashem take place after next Sukkos, that in addition to the siyum there should be a day of concentrated learning in which each person will focus on five selected blatt that they will have well prepared in advance. In this manner, the masechta will be collectively reviewed many more times on the day of the siyum.

Mr. Globman then introduced Hagaon Harav Moshe Ahron Friedman, R”M in Mir Yerushalayim, who shares a popular and much appreciated daily 10-minute Daf Hashovua shiur (contact Daf Hashovua to receive these). Rav Friedman pointed out the propitious timing of beginning a new masechta in Chodesh Nisan. He cited the Chazal that each of the first 12 days of Nisan is parallel to a whole month of the year. Therefore, each day of Nisan has 30 times the potential of an ordinary day, a great time to boost the learning of the new masechta to a higher level. He then led the mesaymim with the hadran of Maseches Rosh Hashana, followed by joyous dancing filled with simchas HaTorah.

Rabbi Shmuel Ismach, rabbi of the Young Israel of Great Neck, was maschil Maseches Ta’anis. He began the Daf Hashovua program in his shul at the beginning of Maseches Rosh Hashana with 60 to 70 participants. He related that for some this was the first siyum they ever made. With great enthusiasm they are now beginning the new masechta.

The new masechta, Maseches Ta’anis, just began and concludes in just seven months, on October 6, 2018. All are invited to join and taste the success enjoyed by thousands of worldwide participants. Daf Hashovua began with Maseches Brachos 13 years ago and is following the seder of Daf Yomi. In that time, it has grown to be a popular supplement or alternative for those who would rather learn at a slower pace, in greater depth and with more chazara, than the Daf Yomi schedule allows. At the same time, participants share a similar feeling of achdus by being part of a worldwide tzibbur that has made the Daf Yomi program so effective.

To access many valuable resources such as mareh mekomos, a variety of engaging shiurim and optional bechinos, visit www.dafaweek.org�or email [email protected] to sign up.

Daf Hashovua Celebrates Siyum in Passaic

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