February 23, 2025

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David vs. Goliath

Contrary to what you may think, Israel has been battling more than just one enemy during Operation Protective Edge.

There is no question that the onslaught of rockets fired by Hamas directly resulted in the decision by Israel to take measures to defend its citizens and led to Israel’s attempt to restore a sense of quiet and stability to the region. Yet, Hamas is not the sole adversary that Israel is forced to engage in battle during this difficult period.

Not only is Israel fighting a war against ter­rorism; it is also fighting a war in the court of public opinion. Throughout history, there are people who relish the opportunity to criticize Israel and denigrate the Jewish State. These crit­ics anxiously wait for an opening, and, when it materializes, they are prepared to pounce and malign Israel.

Israel is facing a public relations offen­sive that it is trying valiantly to deflect.

To make matters worse, the United Na­tions Human Rights Council greatly ex­acerbates the situation and turns the tide against Israel. In an absolutely deplorable move, the UN Human Rights Council voted to launch an investigation into what they deliberately call “war crimes.”

Hamas is using civilians as human shields, and it is Israel that is in the cross­hairs? Hamas is indiscriminately firing thousands of rockets at populated areas. That a so-called human rights organiza­tion can turn a blind eye to the bla­tant human rights violations being wantonly perpetrated by Hamas is preposterous.

Prime Minister Benjamin Ne­tanyahu was outraged at the UN’s actions. “The UNHRC is sending a message to Hamas and terror or­ganizations everywhere that using civilians as human shields is an ef­fective strategy,” he said.

It is no surprise that the UN Hu­man Rights Council, with its long-time record of prejudice against Israel, launched this bogus and bi­ased investigation into Israel’s ac­tions. The UN vote may have been the last straw.

Those seeking to censure Israel attribute the disparate number of deaths in Gaza to the fact that Is­rael, in their opinion, is using a dis­proportionate show of force. This incred­ibly successful public relations effort by Israel’s enemies to label the people in Gaza as victims of Israeli aggression.

They do not mention the Iron Dome missile defense system, without which there would be thousands of casualties in Israel. Hamas’ intent to kill civilians is clear; more than 3,000 rockets and missiles have been thrown at Israel. The critics do not say Hamas fires them from schools, hospi­tals and mosques in heavily populated are­as, putting every resident in Gaza in harm’s way. Hamas threatens to kill their own people if they leave after getting warnings from Israel that an attack is imminent.

Critics do not refer to the sirens and bomb shelters everywhere in Israel. In Gaza, residents do not have a safe haven from Israel’s attempt to defend itself. In­stead of constructing bomb shelters, Ha­mas built an elaborate network of terror tunnels to launch attacks against Israel.

As Israel struggles to fend off the tsu­nami of denunciation, it is having a diffi­cult time turning the tide of public opinion in its favor, but the real struggle Israel has been forced to contend with is protecting its people. If Israel is able to neutralize Ha­mas, Islamic Jihad, ISIS and the other ter­rorists in Gaza intent on annihilating the Jewish State, they will have won the war that matters most.

It is like the story of David and Goliath. On the surface, young David had no realis­tic chance of besting the mighty and pow­erful giant Goliath—and Hamas and ISIS and their terrorist partners are the Goliath that threaten Western Civilization, not just Israel. Yet, just as David persevered against all odds, let us hope and pray that Isra­el will prevail against its enemies on the frontlines. Not just for the sake of Israel, but for civilization as we know it.

N. Aaron Troodler is an attorney and principal of Paul Revere Public Relations, a public relations and political consulting firm. Visit him on the Web at TroodlersTake. blogspot.com, www.PaulReverePR.com, or www.Jew­ishWorldPR.com. You can also follow him on Twitter: @ troodler

ByN. Aaron Troodler, Esq.

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