February 18, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Dirshu Delegation of Rabbanim Davens For Klal Yisrael in Emotion-Filled Trip to Kever of Chofetz Chaim

The beis hakevaros in Radin was still covered with snow. Last week, venerated rabbonim and poskim walked slowly, heads bent in hachnaah, as they approached the admas kodesh, the holy soil where the Chofetz Chaim is buried.

Rav Chizkiyahu Yosef Mishkovsky stood in front of the kever and made his bakosha: “Heiliger Rebbe, may your zechus be a meilitz yosher on all Yidden and on all lomdei Dirshu and in your zechus may Dirshu continue to facilitate so much limud haTorah, please grant them the siyatta diShmaya to help so many Yidden learn the seforim of the Chofetz Chaim and spread his Torah. We beg Hashem, halevai!”

Rav Binyomin Finkel, Mashgiach of the Mir Yeshiva, offered a potent tefillah especially written for the occasion by the well-known mekubal and Rosh Yeshiva of Ahavat Shalom, Rav Yaakov Hillel.

Upon arriving in Radin, the delegation entered the building that housed the great Radiner Yeshiva. After Shacharis, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, Dirshu’s Nasi, delivered the daily Daf HaYomi B’Halacha shiur from the Sefer Mishnah Berurah written by the Chofetz Chaim in front of the beis medrash he founded.

The purpose of the trip was to inscribe anyone currently learning the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha or anyone who accepts upon himself to start the program, in a special sefer entitled Sefer HaGibborim. One of the moving moments at the kever was when they placed the beautiful leather-bound Sefer HaGibborim in a secure place for posterity—in the special ohel built around the kever of the Chofetz Chaim. Rav Aharon Toisig, one of the great mashpiim in Eretz Yisrael, gave voice to the deep feelings of so many. He said, “Rebbe, Yidden have started learning your Mishnah Berurah daily in great numbers. Yeshiva bachurim, kollel avreichim, baalei batim and even children in 7th and 8th grades are all en-masse learning the Mishnah Berurah…”

To join Daf HaYomi B’Halacha please call, 1-888-5-Dirshu or e-mail, [email protected]

By Chaim Gold

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