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September 28, 2024
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Donald Trump’s Jewish Son-in-Law Was Candidate’s Adviser for AIPAC Speech

( Donald Trump’s Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner, reportedly served as an adviser for the Republican presidential primary front-runner for his recent American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference speech.

Prior to last month’s AIPAC conference, Kushner, a 35-year-old real estate investor and newspaper owner, advised Trump to outline specific policies that would improve his relationship with the Jewish community, according to two sources cited in a report by Reuters. Trump’s use of a teleprompter for the AIPAC speech, instead of his usual conversational style, was also reportedly a choice guided by Kushner.

The editor of the Kushner-owned New York Observer, Ken Kurson, confirmed to Reuters saying that he also reviewed Trump’s AIPAC speech before it was given. Kurson was a speechwriter for former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Though Kushner does not hold an official role in his father-in-law’s campaign, Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks confirmed that he does informally advise the GOP candidate on Israel and other issues.

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