Yossi grew up in West Orange and attended Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy in Livingston through high school. He studied dentistry at UMDNJ and was an associate at Smile Central Dental for five years. Steffie (Lempel) grew up in Lakewood, New Jersey, where she attended Bezalel Hebrew Day School and Hillel High School. A graduate of New York Medical College in Westchester, Steffie was an attending pediatrician at University Pediatrics at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. They moved to Modi’in with their three children, Moriel, Sammy and Gidon, and their goldendoodle, Snickers. Yossi has been working in Rechovot and Modi’in Ilit in the kuppah and private office setting. Steffie is working as a general pediatrician in Maccabi kuppah in Modi’in Ilit. They recently moved into a new neighborhood in Modi’in, Tziporim, and are enjoying helping to build and grow the new community.