(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) Rabbi Avremy and Chaya Kanelsky invited the staff of EL AL to their home to bake challah as a zechus for the hostages. Chaya Kanelsky explained how special the mitzvah of challah is, and that God gave it specifically to women. She then told them of the amazing opportunity they have; while they recite the bracha of hafrashas challah, they can beseech God for many blessings.
As we prepare for the new year, we lift our eyes to God and ask for a happy and sweet new year for the entire Jewish nation. Particularly, our concern for our brothers and sisters in captivity for almost a full year is at the forefront of our minds. We all want to do something in the merit of the hostages, and the staff of EL AL did theirs with baking challah.
Rabbi Avremy Kanelsky recited a chapter of Tehillim and blew the shofar.
The moving ceremony concluded with all the attendees giving tzedakah and wishing one another a sweet new year.