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September 16, 2024
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Elizabeth-Hillside Delegation Highlights Community to Young Teaneck Couples

Elizabeth delegation (l-r): Rachie Niren of Elizabeth, Mikayla and Shimon Niren of Teaneck, Rabbi Uzi Beer, principal JEC Lower School, Laura Silverstein, Faygi and Yehuda Greenberg.

On July 29, a group of young Teaneck residents was treated to a delicious dinner from Elizabeth’s legendary Asian take-out, New Kosher Special.

Gastronomic bragging rights aside, the young residents heard from a special delegation of individuals from the Elizabeth-Hillside (E-H) community, who came mainly to share the many unique benefits of living in the E-H, including the flagship day schools of the Jewish Educational Center (JEC), in existence since 1941 under the groundbreaking tutelage of Rabbi Pinchas Mordechai Teitz.

The delegation consisted of five Elizabeth-Hillside residents, including JEC Lower School Principal Rabbi Uzi Beer, and was graciously hosted by current Teaneck residents Mikayla and Shimon Niren, himself a product of the Elizabeth-Hillside community. Niren’s mother, Rachie, has served for years in an administrative function with the JEC, and helped to coordinate and host the event.

The delegation responds during an informal Q&A session.

Rabbi Beer shared an inspiring dvar Torah, then spoke briefly about the JEC school system, describing the schools as focused on the individual potential and success of each studen. Asked by a guest about students with special needs, Rabbi Beer explained the special programs available both for students requiring extra help and for exceptional students who also need to be nurtured and challenged. He noted proudly the high percentage of JEC students who go on to advanced seminaries and major universities, matriculating as valedictorians and advancing to various post graduate programs and respected professions where they have and continue to make a significant impact.

Rabbi Beer noted that the schools are all in town and attendance is diverse, as many students also come from other communities. Additionally, the JEC has acquired the former YMCA-YWCA and is maintaining their excellent programs, which for decades has included popular summer camps and a licensed early-childhood program.

In the spiritual realm, the delegation focused mainly on one of the community’s many shuls, the JEC Elmora Avenue shul under the spiritual leadership of Rabbi Avrohom and Rebbetzin Rivky Herman. The E-H community also boasts an eruv, its own mikvah, a highly regarded chevra kadisha and the Union County Hatzalah, recognized by both the fire and police chiefs as one of the best.

Rabbi Uzi Beer, principal JEC Lower School, delivers a dvar Torah to open the evening.

The delegation shared that single-family homes begin in the low $500,000 range, with a recent reduction in property taxes. They also reported that there are numerous rental options available near the JEC shuls.

For more information about living in the Elizabeth-Hillside community, or to set up a Shabbat visit with home hospitality, reach out to [email protected] or WhatsApp at 347-733-6813.

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