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September 25, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

After participating in five Ironman triathlons in seven years, I decided I needed a new challenge. Skydiving? Done that. Ice climbing? Did that, too. Swimming with sharks? Funny you should mention that…

Soon after I made this decision, I got a lottery spot in one of the most prestigious triathlons in the world.

So it’s not an Ironman? No, but it does have a swim, a bike and a run. How far is the swim? It’s a 1.5 mile swim. No biggie, that’s shorter than an Ironman swim. In 50 degree water. So you will be warm in a wetsuit. Did I mention the sharks? Ok, in a wetsuit you will look like a seal. Been nice knowing you.

I am reminded of the expression, “You don’t have to swim faster than the shark, you just have to swim faster than the guy next to you.”

You mentioned a bike? 18 miles through the hills of San Francisco. How do you train for that? 9W here in New Jersey has plenty of hills. Do you ride outside in winter? No, but I will run outside in winter. This race also has a run in it? It wouldn’t be a triathlon without a run.

By David Roher

David Roher is a USAT Certified Marathon and Triathlon coach. He can be reached at [email protected].

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