I served on Council with Mr. Schwartz, Ms. Orgen and Mr. Pagan. Here is why I am voting for Mr. Schwartz and Ms. Orgen.
When you serve on council you do not get to pick who you serve with. A, as such you need to establish new relationships and a level of trust with those you are serving with. I found both Mr. Schwartz and Ms. Orgen to be passionate about Teaneck and all our residents. I saw them time and again reach out to all communities in Teaneck to help them with whatever they need. Now, of course, I did have disagreements with them; that comes with the territory. But having those disagreements, knowing that they were taking positions they honestly believed was best for the town, and not for special interests or political favor, was important to me. They were great partners in trying to move Teaneck ahead.
Our current council majority has shown that there is no level of trust among them; that politics seems to be the only way to make decisions, as reflected in the last reorganization meeting debacle. No, we need to return Mr. Schwartz and Ms. Orgen so that we have experienced council members who take pride in the whole town and know how to function in the local government body—with honesty and respect for their fellow council members and the community they serve.
I urge you to join me and vote for Mark Schwartz and Karen Orgen for re-election to Council.