Last Thursday and Friday was the state-wide NJ Educators Convention and public schools were closed. For families with special needs children in the public schools, the Yedidainu program (started originally with Yeshivat Noam) coordinated by the Bergen Friendship Circle offers these parents a solution by providing a day of activities in partnership with local schools for these children. Last Thursday, Yavneh Academy hosted a full-day program with 8th graders volunteering to work with the children and joining them for davening, activities, and a trip to WeeZee World. Last Friday’s program was hosted by The Moriah School and consisted of music, art, sports and baking, all run by Moriah staff and student volunteers. Both days offered a huge service to parents who had structured activities for their kids with special needs. The Friendship Circle is planning two more such programs at Yeshivat Noam at the end of December.