September 7, 2024
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September 7, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Gan Yaldenu Tots Learns About Shabbat

The children at Gan Yaldenu Tots of Bergenfield have been focusing on Shabbat the last two weeks. The 18 month class and the two year old classes tied Shabbat together with the five senses To finish off the unit, the children baked challah to have at their Shabbat table. The nursey and pre-k class learned about the mitzvah of hafrashat challah. They learned that when a five pound bag of flour or more is used to make dough, a special mitzvah can be done to give a present for Hashem. Teachers explained how sometimes this special bracha is said for sick people for a refuah and also when someone is pregnant to wish them b’shaa tova. This year it was special to do it for one of the teachers who was leaving on maternity leave.

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