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September 28, 2024
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Go-Karting, Arcade Games and Ax Throwing: A Day at Supercharged!

Prepare to be blown away by Supercharged Entertainment—the brand new world’s largest indoor go-karting facility, located in Edison, New Jersey! Featuring two different-sized tracks measuring in length 0.31 miles and 0.34 miles, this adrenaline-fueled wonderland is the ultimate destination for anyone who loves speed and excitement. But that’s not all: Supercharged Entertainment also boasts an arcade with more games than Dave & Busters, interactive digital ax-throwing, and so much more! I recently visited this incredible facility with my wife, Ahuva; my brother, Gabe; my father, Josh; and a close friend, Ami; and all of us are in agreement that it was an experience that we will never forget.


Waking up early on a Sunday morning may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but when it comes to Supercharged Entertainment, it’s 100% worth it. The facility is located next to Top Golf and is a 45-minute drive from Teaneck. We were warned by an employee that at peak times on weekends the wait for go-karting can be up to six hours, so we left Teaneck at around 8 a.m., and arrived 50 minutes later, only having to wait in line at the door for 10 minutes. Although there are other fun things to do at Supercharged, we wanted to ensure we got to go-kart first.

Upon walking into Supercharged, we were immediately greeted by a dazzling display of flashing lights and the sounds of arcade games. To our left, we saw a massive arcade featuring a drop tower in the corner, and to our right, a line of people waiting to purchase go-kart tickets. Since we had bought our tickets in advance, we bypassed the line, heading straight for the track. Before starting, we registered our names at the front desk and received two personalized tickets, one for each track, along with a boarding group number. We had also reserved a spot for ax-throwing, which would open at noon. An employee advised us to keep an ear out for our boarding group number and to head over to the track once it was called. Shortly after, our first boarding number was announced, so we stored our belongings in a complimentary locker before checking out Track 1.

Before commencing the race, we received a brief safety instruction talk which included an explanation of how the cars worked. Each car would have a green gas pedal on the right and a red brake pedal on the left. A blue button on the steering wheel, when held down, would cause the car to go in reverse in case it had accidentally spun backward. In addition, there would be a green turbo button which, when pressed, would allow the car to reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour. For drivers who had been driving well and avoiding collisions with walls and other cars, the green button would flash a few times during each race and enable them to go on speed bursts. During the first lap, we were informed that the cars would be set to a lower speed to help us get a feel for the course. The staff also explained that the winner would be determined by the fastest lap time, not by the overall time.

Once the briefing was over, we each grabbed a sturdy red or black helmet and snug-neck protection vest for safety. The helmets were available in various sizes and were lined up in size order. Each helmet had a sliding visor that protected the face. It was hard to hear anything with the helmet on and we felt a bit claustrophobic, but at least I felt confident that it would do a good job of protecting our heads. Next, we were assigned a car number and headed to our respective vehicles.

As I sat down in my seat, I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear as I realized just how much like a professional racer I felt. The car’s sleek, open-wheeled design and low-to-the-ground profile reminded me of a Formula European racer, and the myriad of lights all over the car made it look like a spaceship. For those needing the seat to be adjusted, a staff member came by and pulled the seat forward or backward to make it easier to reach the pedal. After a few minutes, one of the staff members motioned the first car forward to enter the track, and my heart began to race with anticipation. One by one, we were signaled to move forward until it was finally my turn. I pressed down on the pedal, and my engine revved ferociously as if it were eager to unleash its full power. The open-air and low-to-the-ground design gave me a sense of being one with the track, and I knew that I was in for the ride of a lifetime!

The first track we tackled was full of sharp turns, requiring us to navigate each one with precision. The course featured several sections where we had to ascend a twisty ramp and then descend on the other side. Although there were a few straightaways where we could pick up speed, the course was quite narrow, making it tricky to pass other cars. Ahuva was the first to take on the track, but she told me later that she had been driving cautiously, so the staff members were constantly waving her over to the right side of the track to let the other cars pass by.

Each lap on the twisting course lasted about a minute, but the time flew by in a blur of speed and adrenaline. My dad, Gabe, Ami and I battled for position, jostling for the fastest lap time. I pushed my car to the limit, taking every opportunity to overtake my opponents. I accidentally bumped into Gabe twice in my eagerness to pass him, but we laughed it off later. The narrow track made passing a challenge, but to my surprise, I was able to maneuver my car with precision and skill. As we rounded each turn, I could feel the G-forces pressing against my body, as the wind rushed past my helmet. And then, every few laps, I saw the green light flashing, signaling that it was time to activate the boost button. I slammed my foot on the pedal and felt the surge of power as my car shot forward. Though the track forced me to slow down in the tight corners, I made up for it on the straightaways, pushing my car to the max.

Before we knew it, we had done six laps, and the checkered flag waved to signal the final lap. Our competitive spirits were ignited as we gave it our all to secure the top position. With the roar of the engines and the screech of the tires, we sped over the finish line, pushing our cars to the limit. Once over the finish line, a staff member signaled for us to slow down and exit the track to the loading dock area. We parked our vehicles and made way for the next group of guests to board.

Following the race, we reconvened in the lobby outside the go-karting area where several televisions displayed the results. Ami took first place with the best lap time of 51.85 seconds, followed by me, Gabe and my dad with best laps of 52.0, 52.6, and 52.7 seconds, respectively. Ahuva’s fastest lap time was 66.7 seconds, approximately the average time for most people. Shortly after, we each received an email with more detailed results, including our average lap time, overall race time ranking against all participants, percentile ranking, and the best times of the week.

After a brief wait, the music playing from the loudspeaker came to a halt and our heat number for the second race was announced. I found Track 2 even more enjoyable since it had more straightaways than the first course. Early on in the race, Ami, who was driving like a madman, bumped into my car. The impact shook me up a little bit, causing me to drive more cautiously, impeding my attempts at getting the fastest time. A few laps in, I noticed that several cars had stopped due to a collision up ahead. It turned out that Ami had hit my dad’s kart, causing him to spin 180° out of control. My dad then had to put his kart in reverse to get straightened out and back on the track correctly.

Again, after the race, we got our results sent to our email. The top 10 racers were within three seconds of each other, with Ami placing fourth at 54.29 seconds, Gabe in sixth at 54.59 seconds, my dad in seventh at 54.87 seconds, and me in eighth at 55.61 seconds. The winner, a racer named David, finished in 53.58 seconds, earning him the 10th-best overall time of the week. Despite placing eighth, my ProSkill percentage was in the top 79% out of over 117,000 racers, reflecting the highly competitive nature of the race.


With some time still remaining before ax-throwing, we headed to the second level of Supercharged to explore the rest of the complex. On the way, we passed dozens of different arcade games with flashing lights inviting us to play. A tower drop ride was located near the stairs, with an entrance on the bottom level. The ride rose and fell, and at its climax, we could see the riders while standing from the second level. The second level contained many arcade games, much like on the first floor. On the end of the second floor above the go-karting track, there was a long platform, offering spectacular views of the ongoing races. We watched for about 20 minutes, as the cars zoomed by, entertained by the thrilling moments, such as when one car overtook another or when there was a collision.

While watching the racing cars, we became aware of our thirst which was heightened by the insulating effect of the helmets we had worn during the races. So, we ordered drinks from the adjacent bar and restaurant, which was located on the same upper level as the viewing platform. The restaurant boasts an elegant ambiance, with subdued lighting and stylish décor. With our thirst quenched, we eagerly turned our attention to the numerous arcade games available for play.

The arcade was a bustling hub of excitement, filled with flashing lights and the sound of laughter and chatter. It was reminiscent of Dave & Busters, with a diverse collection of popular games like NBA Hoops, Skeeball, and Hungry Hippos lining the walls. As I walked through the arcade, I couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement at the prospect of trying out all the games. But before I delved into the arcade games, I was drawn to the Drop Tower ride, which stood tall in the center of the room. The ride required arcade tokens, and as soon as I got them, I eagerly took my seat in the tower. The tower was adorned with seats arranged around its circular base. As the ride began, I felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension as I was propelled upwards to the top level, spinning 360° all the while. Though the ride was enjoyable, it was a bit too tame for me, so it’s probably best suited for children under 10, who would undoubtedly have a blast on the ride. While I was on the Drop Tower, I spotted a bumper car ride nearby that looked incredibly fun, but unfortunately, we did not have time to try it out.

With the Tower ride conquered, I played my first game alongside Ahuva against an old foe: Pump It Up Dance Off. Growing up, I often frequented Bowler City and attempted to play a similar game, in which you have to step on one of its five corresponding squares, each with an arrow pointing toward the center square. My short legs, however, always made it difficult for me to reach the buttons. Nevertheless, I would still be captivated when an older player performed well. This time, I surprised myself by getting an A+ rating on easy mode and a C on medium. But the hard level proved to be as impossible as I remembered, leaving me exhausted with only an F rating to show for my valiant efforts. Still, it was exhilarating to dance beside Ahuva, and our moves drew a decent crowd of onlookers watching us groove to the beat.

Using the rest of my tokens, I explored the world of virtual reality (VR) games. One game that caught my eye was a first-person shooter that reminded me of a James Bond film. Equipped with a plastic gun and a VR headset, I found myself completely immersed in the game’s world as I navigated through a virtual building. At every turn, I encountered different enemies armed with guns or axes, requiring me to use my skills to shoot them down and progress through the game. The experience was intense and thrilling, allowing me to feel like I was really part of the action.

Next, my brother and I decided to try out a VR minecart roller coaster game. We settled into a dual chair with a VR headset that descended over our eyes. The game was incredibly realistic, with the wind blowing at us as we raced along the track, and the seats shaking and tilting in response to the game’s movements. Our objective was to hold out our hands and touch green and pink circles as we whizzed past them. It was a wild ride, and we both felt like we were on an actual roller coaster, experiencing all the thrills and spills that come with it.

Our favorite game as a group was a boxing-strength challenge game. The game required hitting a hanging boxing speed bag as hard as possible and the game would rate your strength out of 1,000. I ended up getting around 800 which I was proud of, but Gabe did the best out of all of us with a score of 908. To cap off our arcade experience, we combined our tickets and went to the gift shop to get a prize of a Charging Hub, as well as some Tootsie Rolls.


At last, it was time for the highly anticipated ax-throwing reservation, so we made our way back up to the top level. As we arrived, a friendly employee warmly greeted us and led us to our own personal booth, complete with plush lounge couches and a bar table. Within moments of sitting down, a waitress arrived and offered us drinks (I got my favorite drink, a Shirley Temple). Before we began, we were required to watch a safety video given on an iPad placed on our table, which reminded me of a typical safety briefing at a bowling alley. We were then prompted to input our names and select our game of choice, which included options like Tic Tac Toe, Connect 4, Classic Target, the Scattered Circle Game, and several more. We decided to start with the Scattered Circle Game and we divided ourselves into two teams.

In front of our comfortable lounge area, we were assigned an ax-throwing pit. The pits had black caged fences, similar to those found in batting cages, separating them from one another. One of the things that made this ax-throwing place unique was the use of digital targets projected onto the wooden board. For our first game, the target consisted of various-sized circles, each worth a different point score. The smaller the circles, the more points are earned. Each player took turns throwing the hatchet, aiming to hit one of the circles to score points. After this game, we switched to Connect 4. The goal was the same as in the board game, but instead, we dropped a circle in the column where the ax landed. Compared to my previous time ax-throwing at Stumpy’s (see article #421, the axes used in this ax-throwing facility were much lighter and smaller. I found this to my advantage because there was less strength required and it allowed for more accurate aim. In total, there were 18 different lanes for ax-throwing available.

Progressively as the day wore on, Supercharged became increasingly crowded. Upon leaving, we noticed that the wait for go-karting had already exceeded a few hours. It’s essential to plan ahead by arriving early or visiting on a weekday when it’s not as busy and reservations take less time. Alternatively, one should be prepared to wait for a few hours, and make use of the other amenities available on the premises, or consider visiting the neighboring Topgolf.

Overall, Supercharged truly exceeded all expectations and offered an experience like no other. From the thrilling go-karting track to the state-of-the-art ax-throwing and the arcade that rivals Dave & Busters, there was never a dull moment. The sheer size of the facility is impressive, accommodating up to 2,300 people. You can easily spend an entire day at Supercharged, taking advantage of all the exciting activities available. Without a doubt, Supercharged deserves a perfect rating of 10 out of 10. It’s a must-visit destination for anyone looking for a fun-filled day spent with friends or family. Make sure to put Supercharged on your Chol Hamoed to-do list!

By Zachary Greenberg

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