September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Greetings From the Chatzos Kollel Bais Hora’ah

Questions overheard on the Bais Hora’ah’s Halacha Hotline during the midnight hours:

A Yid called, relating that he just awoke from a terrible nightmare and undertook a taanis chalom for the following day. He wanted to know whether he was permitted to eat until alos or had his fast already begun.

A Yid called immediately after alos, saying that he just realized he forgot to daven Maariv; can he still daven?

A Yid was on the road and had to eat something urgently. His only utensil was not yet toiveled. He called to ask whether he may use it anyway.

Motzei Purim, 2 o’clock at night, a Yid called, saying that he was still drunk, but wanted to know if he was allowed to daven Maariv in his shikur state.

A Yid called late at night. His wife had just given birth, and he wanted to know whether he should make a bracha of HaTov v’Hameitiv.

The previous Tisha b’Av night, a Yid called in middle of the night, asking whether he could take Tylenol to relieve an excruciating headache.

And these exceptional shaylos are interspersed with the many urgent Yoreh De’ah shaylos that must be answered before the following morning…


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