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Hamas Detonates IDF Dud, Kills Italian AP Reporter

Hamas sources in Gaza report that a dud IDF missile exploded on Wednesday, killing five including an Italian journalist, after Hamas terrorists clumsily tried to dis­mantle the missile. Hamas emergency ser­vices spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra stated that in addition to the five dead, there are several more who are seriously wounded.

“A number of explosives experts were killed while dismantling a missile in Beit Lahiya. Among them was a foreign journal­ist,” Hamas Interior Ministry spokesperson Iyad al-Buzam told AFP.

The Italian government shortly there­after named the dead journalist as Simone Camilli, a cameraman for Associated Press. AP confirmed the 35-year-old Italian had worked with them since 2005, and that AP photographer Hatem Moussa was also bad­ly wounded in the explosion.

“Simone Camilli’s death is a tragedy for his family and for the country. Once more a reporter pays the price for a war that has lasted too many years,” said Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini.

Muayin al-Masri, a spokesperson for Ka­mal Adwan hospital, stated earlier that the five dead included four Gaza residents and a foreign national. He added that five oth­ers were wounded, three of them in criti­cal condition.

Camilli was reporting on the disman­tling from the scene; his fixer was likewise killed, and another local journalist work­ing with him, apparently Moussa, was bad­ly wounded in the blast, according to an AFP correspondent in Gaza.

The IDF has not struck the Hamas terror enclave of Gaza since the current 72-hour ceasefire went into effect on Sunday at midnight, meaning the missile would have been sitting in Gaza at least two days. The Italian journalist’s death hints at a wan­ton disregard for human life by the terror­ist organization, given that in dismantling the missile, casualties among those not in­volved in the actual dismantling, such as journalists, could have been avoided by dis­tancing the public from the missile.

by Ari Yashar/Arutz 7 (reprinted with permission)

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