March 4, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Having your say in The Link

On selling and buying with Nina:

Working with a professional can actually bring more to your bottom line. I have a team of people I can refer you to; attorneys, inspectors, lenders, all kinds of professionals to do repairs and prepare your home for sale or to give estimates when you’re looking to buy. I am your project manager from offer to closing.

On being connected 24/6:

I work when my clients need me. I answer texts almost immediately. I’ll show a house at 7am or 8pm. Recently a client emailed me at 1:20am. I happened to be up and replied. I think she was shocked! I’ve written up offers while standing in line at Disney World and about to take off to Israel.

On the Parsha Miketz:

We see the importance of planning for the fallow years during the fat years. ‘Make hay while the sun shines’ as the old expression says. There are a lot of opportunities out there every day, don’t let them pass you by. Call Nina!

On planting your family in the right location:

Much easier to do minor cosmetics or renovate a house then to have to move again because the location isn’t right for you. Neighbors and neighborhood are so important. The thrill of my job is when I make that shidduch!

On being a “Non-Pressure” agent:

I don’t only sell houses, I also play marriage counselor and therapist. Buying and selling a house can be an emotional and stressful process and I really try to take a lot of that off of your plate. I hand hold through the whole process.

On working with a full time agent:

This is an “all hands on deck” kind of business. You need to be with an agent that is “all in” to be successful. I have all the patience in the world and I’m happy to show as many houses as it takes.

On faith:

We are living in difficult times. I see the hand of Hashem in much of what I do. I truly believe everything that happens is meant to be; or not.

On living in Bergenfield:

When we moved to Bergenfield 14 years ago I don’t think we had any idea how big and fast the community would grow. We are so happy to be raising our family here.

On growing up in Fair Lawn:

A community that taught me to give and get involved. I had such great role models; parents, rabbis and community leaders.

Nina Eizikovitz is an Accredited Buyer’s Representative, Certified Residential Specialist, NJAR Circle of Excellence Sales Award 2015 – 2019 winner, Eastern Bergen Board’s Rising Star Awardee 2015. She’s a wife and mother of four. While not an aspiring politician, friends have nicknamed her the mayor because she always has her finger on the pulse of community happenings and is a go-to source for reliable local information. Nina has over 100 5 star reviews on Zillow.

Photos and interview by David Beyda�

Available for family portraits, business headshots, shidduch photos, simchas and all of your photographic needs. IG @davidbeydaphotography. 212-967-6964, Studios in Manhattan and Teaneck

Want to be photographed for this series by David Beyda? Email him at [email protected]

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