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October 13, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Having your say in The Link

On living in Israel:

With the self-righteous zeal of the recent convert, I can say that every Jew should be living there. Period. It’s one of G-d’s gifts to the Jewish people. Come!

On delivering dvar Torah in Hebrew:

My drashot on Shabbat are shorter. I run out of words after five to seven minutes.

On politics,

Politics in America are dull and uneventful compared to politics in Israel. Elections in Israel are so honest we like having them several times a year.

On Jews in sports:

Basketball was a Jewish sport in New York in the early years. Then they developed this obsession with height and the ability to jump. I’d still be playing professional baseball but for the Shabbat issue.� It was never a question of talent, just Shabbat. I know a lot of people this affected but no regrets!

On parshat Vayigash:

Yaakov was afraid to leave Israel for the exile. The Ohr Hachaim states that Hashem reassured him that the purpose of this and all exiles is to enable us to gather all the sparks of holiness that exist there.� We have gathered what we can. Don’t be afraid to leave the exile for Israel!

On childhood memories:

As a child, I would visit my grandfather in his butcher store in the Bronx. He would always cut me a slice of fresh salami. I can still savor it.

Israeli pet peeves

Motorcyclists obey no known traffic laws. They ride on the shoulder, weave in and out of traffic, and give you dirty looks when they cut you off. And the banks charge you when you open an account and when you close an account… charge you when you deposit money and when you withdraw money… charge you when you use the teller and … when you use the ATM. I think I see the common denominator. Other than that, life in Israel is fantastic!

On missing Teaneck:

I don’t miss the house or the cold weather. Just the people. The finest!

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky is the Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Bnai Yeshurun, retired attorney, currently Senior Rabbinic Fellow and Israel Representative of the Coalition for Jewish Values, and Senior Rabbinic Scholar at Yeshivat Migdal Hatorah in Modiin. All emphasizing “Senior.”He is the author of several books, including Tzadka Mimeni: The Jewish Ethic of Personal Responsibility,” Volumes 1 and 2. He is currently writing a book on Teshuva that he hopes to have out by Elul.

Photos and interview by David Beyda�

Available for family portraits, business headshots, shidduch photos, simchas and all of your photographic needs. IG @davidbeydaphotography. 212-967-6964, Studios in Manhattan and Teaneck

Want to be photographed for this series by David Beyda? Email him at [email protected]

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