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October 21, 2024
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In this week’s parsha, Va’era, we learn a key point to how to be brought out of exile. The words והוצאתי (and I will take you out), והצלתי (and I will save you), וגאלתי (and I will redeem you), and ולקחתי (and I will take you to be mine) are the key terms for how we were taken out of Egypt to become Hashem’s nation. But how do we get Hashem to do all this for us?

Before these four words there was another word, שמעתי (I heard), which is vital. The other four words were all Hashem, but the key to bringing about those words into reality was Bnei Yisrael and their cry. It was Bnei Yisrael’s cry that Hashem heard that made Him come and miraculously save us. The message we must learn is to become partners with Hashem and cry out to Him. Remember that Hashem hears. We must pray to Him and put faith in Him as a nation. With that, b’ezrat Hashem, He will become even closer to us and will take us out, save us, redeem us and show the world that we are His.

By Shira Sedek


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