March 7, 2025

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Heichal HaTorah Participates in Siyum HaShas With 120 Talmidim

On January 1, Heichal HaTorah participated in the Siyum HaShas with a group of 120 talmidim. This monumental event, a highlight of Heichal HaTorah history, inspired students and rebbeim alike to improve their commitment to limud Torah. However, Daf Yomi is a difficult commitment for the average talmid in yeshiva, who is already committed to a full schedule of sedarim, shiurim and classes.

To this end, Heichal has started a new initiative called 1dafyomi. Each Friday, a new daf is recommended to the talmidim. Each talmid then reviews one daf that he has learned in yeshiva. The following day, he reviews the same daf or another daf, thereby always completing one daf a day. There will be a website where each student can log which daf he has learned. Parents are encouraged to join the initiative as well.

In 2027, when the next Daf Yomi cycle is completed, these talmidim will not be able to say they learned all of Shas. B’ezrat Hashem, however, when they stand at the Siyum HaShas in Yerushalayim with millions of Jews, they will be able to say they learned 2,711 dapim!

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