This past week, Rabbi Jason Finkelstein’s 12th-grade bekius shiur had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Vhaarev Na learning program led by Rav Dovid Newman. Rav Newman hosted a lavish lunch to introduce the program to the boys. Vhaarev Na teaches talmidim to master the masechta they are learning (Maseches Beitzah) through extensive reviews of the Gemara. In addition to daily review, the talmidim will gather together several times a year and learn the material for an extended period of time with no interruptions, a concept known as chazara b’retzufos. By mastering their learning with clarity and consistency, the boys develop a deep connection and a real love for Torah. This is Heichal’s second year involved in the program under the direction and guidance of Heichal Rebbe Rabbi Jason Finkelstein.