(Courtesy of Herzog Hospital) Herzog Hospital’s Metiv-Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma has initiated and funded bringing 20 mental health professionals from the Ukraine to participate in its annual international summer course on trauma and resilience. The trauma center is internationally recognized for its training of professionals worldwide to give them the tools to help people cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This year, in response to the tragedy in Ukraine, Prof. Danny Brom, founder and director of Herzog’s Trauma Center, organized the group’s visit to Israel to participate in the training program.
Participants also include professionals from the U.S., Mexico, Switzerland, Denmark, and Australia.
Psychotrauma staff have historically responded to a long list of tragedies, including Biloxi, Mississippi, after Hurricane Katrina; Parkland, Florida, after the school shooting; Haiti after the earthquake; Sri Lanka after the tsunami; and many others.