(Credit: Deborah Melman)
The Highland Park and Edison Jewish communities heartily celebrated Purim with a variety of synagogue sponsored events and individual celebrations for people of all ages.
Cong. Ahavas Yisrael in Edison hosted a pre-Purim palooza on Sunday, March 17 for children of all ages and interests. Congregants got into the spirit of Adar while participating in mishloach manot basket weaving, hamantashen making, mask decorating and building “Achashverosh’s palace.” The event, organized by Leah Kotowitz and Paige Wechsler, attracted over four dozen attendees.

Highland Park’s Congregation Etz Ahaim presented their annual “Venahafoch hu Purim Celebration” in two parts. Following Megillah reading, attendees were treated to a deluxe delicious dairy buffet and entertainment featuring a caricaturist, a bounce house and a costume contest with prizes for family and individual costumes. The festivities continued at an “open house” party held at the rabbi’s house on Purim day.

at Ohav Emeth.
(Credit: Harry Glazer)
The latest edition of the continuing Purim spiel saga was offered at Cong. Ahavas Achim, also in Highland Park. This year’s offering, “The Piano Mentch,” featured a fictionalized version of the search for a new assistant rabbi set to music by Billy Joel, followed by a post-Megillah dessert reception. Over 100 children attended the youth purim carnival on the early afternoon of Sunday, March 24, featuring carnival games, moon bounce, face painting, balloon art, popcorn, cotton candy and prizes. Later in the day, the annual Young Community Purim Seudah featuring a Chinese food dinner and their iconic silent disco was held.

(Credit: Harry Glazer)
The festivities continued in Highland Park at Cong. Ohav Emeth with well over 100 people in attendance at their Purim-Palooza featuring food, games, cotton candy and popcorn, as well as musical entertainment by the Jeff Wilks Orchestra. Their weekly chesed challenge encouraged hosts of Purim seudahs to invite others.

Deborah Melman is a staff writer at The Jewish Link.