On the outside Shlomo and Rivka seem like their neighbors. They live in a modest duplex, drive a pair of used Camrys and shop at the same stores as everyone else. But on the inside, they were crumbling. Shlomo had lost his job, Rivka was struggling to balance being the only breadwinner and caring for their young children, and their marriage was on the brink.
“When we heard of Collective Kindness, it seemed too good to be true,” said Rikva. “Who would want to help us? Besides, we were not tzedaka cases!”
And she was right. Collective Kindness did not approach them as needy takers coming for a handout but as clients, filled with abilities and capabilities waiting to be utilized. Soon after their first phone call, the Collective Kindness team was working with them on reining in their spending, retraining for better job opportunities, and consolidating their debt so that the foreclosure they’d feared would no longer be an issue.
What is Collective Kindness and who is behind it?
The organization said its guiding principle is the Rambam’s teaching that the highest form of tzedaka is to help someone achieve self-sufficiency, enabling them to stand on their own and no longer depend on others.
Founded 18 months ago by Shalom Goodman, Collective Kindness has already transformed the lives of over 110 families, lifting many of them from the brink of financial and emotional despair to stability and independence.
At the core of Collective Kindness is its innovative use of the “Smart Chesed” model, which focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of a family’s struggles. The organization begins with a full assessment — an “X-ray” as they call it — to uncover the challenges holding families back. Then, a team of more than 23 social workers, job advocates, financial counselors and therapists — working on a part-time basis — develops personalized plans to stabilize and empower families. Whether it’s negotiating debt, providing therapy, offering career coaching or delivering short-term financial assistance, Collective Kindness ensures its solutions lead to lasting independence rather than temporary relief.
What makes Collective Kindness unique is that it is run like a business, with a sharp focus on return on investment (ROI). Goodman and his team carefully evaluate every application, ensuring they only take on families where they see a possible path to success. “We don’t just throw money at a problem,” Goodman explained. “We strategically invest in families where we see the potential for long-term impact. If we don’t think we can help, we redirect them to other possible resources that might be a fit.” This results-oriented approach ensures that the organization’s resources are used as effectively as possible to create meaningful, lasting change.
The spark for Collective Kindness began with a single WhatsApp status Goodman posted just before Pesach: “There’s a family who doesn’t have essentials. I’m collecting money for them.” Within 15 minutes, $5,000 was raised and sent to the family in need. A friend saw the outpouring of generosity and said, “Shalom, this is incredible. You can’t stop.” What began as an impromptu act of chesed turned into a mission to help Jewish families across the U.S. with dignity and care.
In August 2023, Goodman made the difficult but meaningful decision to leave what he had seen as his dream job at the Wall Street Journal to dedicate most of his time to Collective Kindness. “These weren’t families that wanted a handout — they were hardworking people who just needed a hand up,” he explained. “I saw so many families struggling and we had the recipe to get them back on their feet, sometimes with even a very small investment.”
Goodman emphasized that what makes Collective Kindness unique is its willingness to “get in the weeds” with families. “Sometimes all these families need is one introduction, a few meetings with an accountant or a few sessions with a therapist. Someone to hold their hand and give them clarity — that alone can get them on the right track,” he explained. However, he noted that this process isn’t for everyone. “It’s not easy work, and it’s not something we take lightly. We say no to around 40% of applicants because the fit isn’t right. But those we do take on, we do everything in our capabilities to help them get to a place of financial and emotional self-sufficiency through the Smart Chesed method.”
The transformative impact of Collective Kindness is best illustrated through stories like that of Reuven and Chaya, a south Florida family overwhelmed by $27,000 of debt. Struggling with monthly payments of $1,000, they faced constant financial pressure that strained their marriage. Collective Kindness stepped in and negotiated their debt down to $400 per month while providing two months of rent assistance to stabilize their situation. They also connected Reuven, a skilled tradesman, with a job placement advocate who helped him secure a stable position in his field. Meanwhile, therapy sessions helped the couple rebuild their relationship.
Today, the couple is thriving, with their finances under control and their marriage restored. Stories like theirs highlight how Collective Kindness’ deep, personalized approach makes a lasting difference.
A Lifeline for Families in the U.S.
Since its founding, Collective Kindness has raised nearly $1 million to fund its hands-on, intensive work. From helping families find reliable employment to providing mental health support, the organization is committed to turning hiccups and financial stress into opportunities for growth. As Goodman explained, “We don’t just give money. We find out what’s wrong and we work together to fix it.”
To learn more about its mission and to partner with them to help many more families — ones that could be your neighbors — visit collectivekindness.net