Cong. Ohr Torah (OT) of Edison was the site of a special presentation filled with useful tips for those thinking of moving to Israel. The Israel Inspiration Initiative brought together representatives of prominent Jewish organizations — Mizrachi, Nefesh B’Nefesh, NCSY and the National Council of Young Israel — to inspire aliyah in the years ahead.
Several dozen community members participated in the hybrid event in-person or via Zoom on Sunday morning, Sept. 22. Following an inspirational dvar Torah by OT’s Rabbi Sariel Malitzky, participants were briefed on topics that included finding employment, healthcare, selecting a community, education, raising a family in Israel, when to submit paperwork, ways to acclimate, and more. Organized by Josh Caplan and Mark Kaplow, the fast-paced event provided useful information for those considering aliyah as well as those committed to aliyah in the near or long- term.