February 5, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

It’s Time to Prepare for Sukkot: The Carnival is Coming

For those of us coordinating the annu­al Sukkot Carnival, planning starts now. Since 2002, in a response to the Second Intifada, a grassroots effort created the carnival to sup­port Israel and provide a fun day for our com­munity during Chol Hamoed Sukkot. That first year, the group headed by Sara Olshin man­aged pull together rides, art projects, food, en­tertainment, and other fun activities for chil­dren 2 years and older. It was attended by more than 2500 children and adults and raised over $50,000 sent to charities in Israel.

Since then the carnival has raised an aver­age of $350,000 per year for different charities in Israel. As life in Israel quieted down over the last few years, the motivation for the carnival was less compelling, and we did not have one last year. But with Protective Edge and Israel under fire, we decided to bring it back to the community.

Getting the show on the road requires a tremendous amount of effort including fundraising, logistics, family memberships, coordination with schedules and schools, recruiting volunteers, and more. We look forward to a new generation of activists and fun lovers to help us put the carnival together for the benefit of those in need in Israel and for the children in our commu­nity.

Five Star Caterers will provide all the food for the day with all proceeds going to tzedaka. The Jewish Link is a founding sponsor and will donate advertising to let folks know the carni­val is coming to town. The Kaplen JCC on the Palisades and the Jewish Federation of North­ern New Jersey will, as always, provide assis­tance to insure the event is a success.

Sponsorships are available for $600 and family memberships are available if you are planning to attend with your families. Please contact Tom Mandel at (201) 538-1955 to be­come a volunteer, donate, become a sponsor and learn more.

By David Siegel

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