In preparation for Sukkot, the fourth grade boys learned the first perek of Mishnayot Masechet Sukkah with their rebbe, Rabbi Pietruszka. They studied what determines a kosher sukkah, based on size, height, number of walls and schach.
The students then worked in groups to build and replicate the different models of sukkot, as described in the Mishna, out of various recyclables, outlining why their specific sukkah is kosher or pasul.
Once set up, students from other grades will circulate throughout the room with their prediction sheets in hand trying to assess whether each sukkah is kosher or pasul. Each of the fourth graders will then explain their sukkot from a halachic perspective. Afterwards, the visiting students have a final opportunity to adjust their predictions.
What a wonderful way for all the students to experience Sukkot and the halachot of sukkah together.