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October 18, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

JEC High School Holds Freshman Shabbaton

Last Shabbat, JEC freshmen came together for their grade shabbaton in Hillside. The Shabbat was nothing short of amazing. Assistant Principal Rabbi Noach Sauber, gave the dvar Halacha in Adath Israel before Maariv to a very appreciative minyan. After enjoying meals with their hosts on Friday night, the boys were joined by other middle and high school students in the area at the Gluck home for a spirited and inspirational oneg, led by JEC rebbe Rabbi Moishe Kramer. Students joined together once again at the AI teen minyan, led by JEC students, with a drasha from Rabbi Sauber there as well. Simultaneously, Rabbi Ami Neuman, the high school principal, delivered a moving drasha in the shul’s main minyan.

After a beautiful kiddush, the boys had chaburot with Rabbi Kramer and Rabbi Raphael Karlin, while JEC families gathered together at the Ness home for an intimate get together. A beautiful lunch, full of zemiros and dancing, was followed by Mincha and a break. Seudah shlishit at the Krause home didn’t only have lots of great food, but great singing too, led by international Jewish music sensation Ira Heller.

Havdala closed out Shabbat in JEC style with Rabbi Neuman on guitar. Basketball, Jai Alai and video game tournaments at the school on motzei Shabbat brought to an end this most amazing and memorable weekend.

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