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October 17, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

JEC Students Celebrate Tu B’Shevat

The JEC Lower School students celebrated Tu B’Shevat this week in a variety of ways. On Friday, they participated in a Tu B’Shevat focused oneg! They discussed how Tu B’Shevat and the mitzvah of shemitah relates to the school-wide theme of kavod. There is an element of giving the land respect and allowing it to rest during the shemitah year. On Monday, students participated in Tu B’Shevat sedarim where they tasted yummy fruit and discussed the significance of the day. On Tuesday, the shaliach from Israel, Eyal, planned an inter-grade program for students based on the concept of צמיחה, growth! Groups of older students helped the younger grades create a creative planting project. They spoke about the great responsibility older students have in imparting their wisdom to younger students and in acting as role models for them. This project and theme connected beautifully to Tu B’Shevat. It was a great week of meaningful programming for all!

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