March 6, 2025

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Jews and Politics: Are We Our Own Worst Enemy?

Ask any Jew how smart Jews are, and they immediately wax poetic on how many Nobel Prizes they’ve won and how great their achievements have been, out of all proportion to their numbers, in the fields of science, literature, law, technology, medicine, military, etc. However, amid all their qvelling and nachas schepping, there lies the inconvenient truth of their abysmal, almost suicidal performance in the political arena. This can be seen in a rather small item on page 7 of the May 24, 2018, issue of The Jewish Link, “Knesset Committee Urges Netanyahu to Implore Trump to Change Parts of US Aid Deal,” which is an excellent microcosm of the much larger problem, as explained below.

Since biblical times the Torah has instructed Jews to treat others as they would themselves, and this imperative has kept the Jews on a moral high ground throughout their whole existence. They have always been a “light unto the nations.” Sadly, the rest of the world has not followed suit, and our stance of being the conscience of the world has not only been mostly futile but has cost us dearly through the ages. The world remains as barbaric today as it was 3,000 years ago, to each other and especially to the Jews.

In modern times, in the 1900s, Jews’ predilection toward social justice propelled them into the forefront of “liberal” causes like socialist and communist movements in many European countries. Unfortunately, whichever side won, the Communists in Russia and the Fascists in Germany, the Jews were massacred by both.

And in the great migrations to America, the Jews brought along their liberal inclination and overwhelmingly supported the “liberal” Democratic Party rather than the conservative Republican Party. This continued into the Obama years, where Jews overwhelmingly voted for him in both his election and reelection. This is the same Obama who demeaned and humiliated Netanyahu, stopped supporting Israel in the U.N., stopped supplying Israel with munitions and halted U.S. flights to Ben Gurion Airport during the Gaza War, let ISIS run rampant throughout the Mideast, bowed in subservience to the Muslim king of Saudi Arabia, placed onerous restrictions to previously unrestricted U.S. aid packages to Israel (see above), and in the disastrous Iran deal, rescued Iran from bankruptcy and gave it $150 billion to develop its nuclear program and fund worldwide terror activities. The Jews’ response to his throwing Israel under the bus was to adore, idolize and almost deify Obama.

Fortunately, along came Trump who miraculously defeated Clinton, the heir apparent to the Obama-Kerry legacy, and interrupted this mad descent into catastrophe. Trump, as he promised, is proving to be the most pro-Israel president in recent history. He has moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, forged a close-knit friendship with Netanyahu and Israel, installed an outspokenly pro-Israel ambassador in the U.N., mostly destroyed ISIS, cut funding to the PA, and pulled out of the disastrous Iran deal. And how have the majority of Jews rewarded Trump’s pro-Israel achievements? They have vilified him, demeaned him, disgraced him, obstructed him and humiliated him. And like lemmings marching to the sea, they can’t wait for the first opportunity to chase him from office and reinstall the far-left, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, pro-Islamic Democratic Party under the influence of Sanders, Ellison, Farrakhan and Pelosi.

This is all because they simply don’t like Trump. Trump doesn’t live up the their ideal of a sophisticated, cultured leader like the smooth-talking Obama. This seems to be the most important characteristic for most Jews, even more important than actions, for so many Jews like to think of themselves as part of the “intelligentsia,” or in modern parlance, the “elite,” and Trump just doesn’t fit that profile, as they see it. It is bizarre to think that this criterion may actually have fit many Nazis, who threw babies into the crematoria during the day but listened to opera during the night. After all, “kultur uber alles.”

So the question remains: are Jews as smart as they like to think they are, or are they their own worst enemy? You be the judge.

Max Wisotsky

Highland Park

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