As part of the JKHA eighth grade study of the building of the Beit Hamikdash in Sefer Melachim, students participated in a Project Based Learning unit where they learned about how our shuls are a Mikdash Me’at patterned in many ways after the Beit Hamikdash. Students were asked to consider what makes a place special and then asked to think about what makes the Beit Hamikdash and a shul special. They were then tasked to work in groups and create their own shuls with a name, mission statement, guidelines, and a commitment their shul will make to help bring the building of the Beit Hamikdash. They created logos for their shuls, designed a parochet for their Aron Kodesh using a new Glowforge laser printer, and made video commercials encouraging people to attend their shuls. Students displayed their completed group projects for their grade and for the seventh grade for their peers and teachers to see. After the presentation, students were joined by a panel of RKYHS teachers who are affiliated with their community’s shuls—Rabbi Sharbat, Rabbi Szfranski, Ms Gerson and Rabbi Beckerman. The panelists spoke about their roles in the community and responded to students’ questions about different aspects of shuls and communities that they considered during the course of the project. Hopefully this project will encourage students to find meaning in their personal shul experiences and to take leadership roles in impacting the shuls of the future.