September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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JKHA Middle School Explores Happiness Over Sukkot

Over Chol Hamoed Sukkot, JKHA middle school students participated in a variety of programming to enhance their chag. They went out to their own sukkot for a Simchat Beit Hashoevah, joined by their faculty in their sukkot as well. They learned about the origins of Simchat Beith Hashoevah, enjoyed snacks, singing, dancing, sharing Sukkot memories and traditions and more with their faculty. A JKHA-wide musical Hallel led by RKYHS Judaic Studies faculty member Rabbi Schlusselberg and “Let’s Make a Deal” game shows led by Digital Dov added to the holiday celebrations.

A highlight of the programming was a program all about happiness. After viewing a video where the faculty discussed what brings them happiness, middle school Guidance Counselor Mrs. Wasserman and Middle School Director of Educational Programming Mrs. Gantz had students think about zman simchateinu and the simcha that can be found around us. They discussed that happiness is a state of mind, not about “things” and how happiness can be a ripple effect that you can be happy by making others happy. At the end of the program, students worked on cards to send to the homebound elderly through Dorot, bringing joy to their lives.

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