Asbury Shorts USA, New York City’s longest-running short film exhibition and travel show, will present its nationally recognized “41st Short Film Concert” at The Kaplen JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly on Wednesday, June 22—with the first film blasting on to the screen at 7:30 p.m. This presentation of world-renowned short films from the past and present is strongly recommended for ages 16 and way above.
Asbury Shorts concerts combine award-winning films from the past with new global festival honorees, creating a rare opportunity for audiences to view world-class short films on a real cinema screen rather than YouTube, smartphones or computers. Academy Award–nominated director Jason Reitman (“Juno,” “Up in the Air,” “Thank You for Smoking,” “Ghostbusters Afterlife”) calls Asbury Shorts USA “the best short-film show I’ve ever seen.” The June 22 showcase will feature the best in short film comedy, drama and animation in a fast-paced two-hour program.
Tickets cost: $16 for Kaplen JCC members/ $20 for non-members and $35 for Premium Reserved Seating. For additional information about films in the program please call: 718.510.6929.