This Shabbat, Aug. 17, at 6:15 p.m. at Keter Torah, 600 Roemer Ave., Teaneck, Rabbi Zvi Ron will speak on “Adding Al Tira to the End of Davening in Times of Trouble and Other Additions to Shacharit.” Following Mincha at 7:20, Rabbi Ron will speak at seudah shlishit on “In Every Generation: Thoughts on the Current Situation in Israel.”
Rabbi Ron received semicha from the Israeli Rabbanut and his Ph.D. in Jewish theology from Spertus University. He and his wife, Sharon, went on shlichut to Richmond, Virginia where he served as rabbi of Keneseth Beth Israel Synagogue for 10 years. The Rons moved back to Israel with their four children in 2004 and live in Neve Daniel, Gush Etzion.
He is the author of two books on Tanach in Hebrew: “Sefer Katan V-Gadol” (Rossi Publications, 2006) about the big and small letters in Tanach and “Sefer HaIkkar Ḥaser” (Mossad HaRav Kook, 2017) about the variable spellings of words in Tanach. The rabbi has also written one book in English, “Jewish Customs” (Koren, 2024), as well as dozens of articles in numerous publications. He is editor of the Jewish Bible Quarterly, on the staff of the Koren Land of Israel Tanakh series, and was a contestant on the game show “The Weakest Link.”