March 12, 2025

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Kippa Election Tracker Predicts Big Trump Victory Among Orthodox Jews

New York City–based kippa (yarmulke) company Pic-A-Kippa sees itself as an early exit poll of the American Orthodox Jewish vote by keeping track of its Trump and Hillary custom kippa sales. As of the end of the third debate, 331 Trumps had been sold, while Hillary had only managed 65.

New York—While American Jews have leaned heavily Democratic for decades, the past few presidential races have seen Orthodox Jews, who make up over 10 percent of American Jewry, vote Republican in ever-increasing numbers. This is due to a number of factors, with the Democratic party’s putting “daylight between America and Israel,” as President Obama said, as perhaps the biggest reason.

A number of influential Jewish pro-Trump organizations have emerged representing this shift, chief among them “Jews Choose Trump” and “Jewish Democrats For Trump,” who are working tirelessly to recruit more Jewish support for Donald Trump. In fact, a recent poll of Florida Jews showed Orthodox voters are leaning towards Trump by a 3-1 margin.

Pic-A-Kippa, the leader in the kippa market, has been selling Trump and Hillary custom kippas on its site since August, all the while keeping a running tally of who has sold more. Uri Turk, Pic-A-Kippa’s Chief Kippa Officer, says, “We see our Kippa Election Tracker as a type of bellwether of the Orthodox community. Once the first debate came around, the orders started flying in, with much more interest in the Trump kippas.”

According to Turk, Pic-A-Kippa has sold a large number of Trump kippas to a congregant of Ivanka Trump’s synagogue on the liberal Upper East Side of Manhattan, and has gotten orders for Trump kippas from Israel, Australia, Britain and even Mexico. Besides the orders, Pic-A-Kippa has also gotten hate mail from Jews unhappy they are selling the Trump designs.

Pic-A-Kippa creates custom kippas with full-size pictures, in a completely new & unique way that will make any Bar/Bat Mitzvah a truly one-of-a-kind experience. Pic-A-Kippa was founded by two former IDF Soldiers who donate 10% of each kippa sale to The Lone Soldier Center in Israel.

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