In honor of Lag B’Omer, the yeladim enjoyed their friendship unit. They learned all about Rabbi Akiva and his famous lesson of “v’ahavtah l’rayacha kamocha, love your neighbor as yourself.” They wrote friendship cards to one another and discussed how to be good friends. The children read many stories about Lag B’Omer and the Torah and know so many Torah songs. While learning about the Torah, they had a special visit from the Torah Factory. Rabbi Grossbaum came and brought a real Torah and taught the children about how parchment is made and how a feather quill is used to write in it. The yeladim excitedly stuffed their own Torah, zipped it closed and decorated a keter for the crown. They also hugged and kissed the Torah. To celebrate Lag B’Omer, they gathered together outside for a special ice pop picnic around a mock bonfire and sang songs about friendship and the Torah. Kol Yisroel chaverim!