March 9, 2025

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Kollel Chatzos Arranges Ketores Segulah on Arizal’s Yahrzeit at the Kever

Tzfas, Eretz Yisrael—Kollel Chatzos is preparing for the auspicious day of the Arizal’s yahrzeit by organizing a minyan to recite the Arizal’s Ketores Segulah at his kever on that midnight. The names of all sponsors and their entire families will be mentioned by the kollel members who will participate in this momentous occasion.

Monday night, the 5th of Av (July 27), marks the yahrzeit of the Arizal, who exposed the depths of Kabbalah. Among the many secrets he revealed is the Ketores Segulah. As recorded by his appointed disciple, Rabbi Chaim Vital, in Shaar Hakavanos (Drushei Tefillas Shacharis 3), the Arizal stated: “If a minyan of pious Jews will gather after midnight and they will recite the special Ketores Segulah together with concentration, it will definitely make a deep impression and whatever they ask for will be accomplished in Heaven!”

The Zohar says that those who rise at midnight to study Torah have the power to “decree below and their words are carried out above.” Now the members of Kollel Chatzos Meron are preparing to daven on our behalf at the kever of the Arizal on the night of his yahrzeit, especially by reciting his Ketores Segulah with deep concentration.

The schedule for the Ketores Segulah recital at the kever of the Arizal on the night of the anniversary of his passing is as follows:

The members of Kollel Chatzos Meron will arise before midnight in Tzfas and prepare for their nightly study ritual. Before heading to their beis midrash at the kever of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in Meron, they will first stop to visit the kever of the Arizal in the ancient cemetery of Tzfas. There they will perform the Ketores Segulah with deep concentration as prescribed by the Arizal, followed by the recital of the names of all of the sponsors who have signed up and their families. When they are done they will continue with their nightly program of Torah study and prayer in Meron as usual.

The actual Ketores Segulah follows the precise formula recorded in the name of the Arizal, beginning with the portion of the Ketores, followed by the pasuk “Vayaas es Hamenorah” three times, chapter “Veyihi Noam” seven times, and other pesukim recited forward and backward. At the conclusion a special prayer is recited, and this is accompanied by the names of the many sponsors.

As an additional incentive, Kollel Chatzos is making a special offer this year: Whoever signs up for the Ketores Segulah on the Arizal’s yahrzeit will also have his name and those of his family mentioned at Kollel Chatzos Meron during the nightly recitation of the Ketores Segulah for an entire year! Ask about this offer when you call to sign up for the Ketores Segulah.

Call the central office of Kollel Chatzos today to ensure your name is included in this year’s Ketores Segulah: 718-887-9114: Experience the yeshua you have been praying for!


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