March 16, 2025

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Kollel Chatzos Meron Celebrates Siyum on Seder Kodashim

Deep feelings of joy and gratitude to Hashem for the privilege of learning His holy Torah was palpable at the uplifting siyum on Seder Kodashim that the chashuve talmidei chachamim of Kollel Chatzos Meron, one of four Kollel Chatzos branches worldwide, celebrated.

Kollel Chatzos Meron is widely renowned as a rare makom Torah where extraordinary yungerleit from Tzfas toil in Torah at the auspicious hour of chatzos. The specialness of the hour is compounded by the holy location where the learning takes place, the tzion of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, who discusses the greatness of chatzos many times in his hallowed work, the Zohar.

The uplifting siyum served as a source of chizuk for the chashuve yungerleit and their wives, who sacrifice with devotion to enable their husbands to toil in Torah at this special time of night.

A rich meal was served in honor of the occasion. The attendees broke out in impromptu song, singing niggunim of ahavas haTorah and thanks to Hashem for the unparalleled zchus of learning Torah at chatzos.

Inspiring speeches were given throughout the meal, with each of the speakers extolling the greatness of limud haTorah in general, the chashivus of learning at chatzos in particular, and above all, the exceptional zchus of Torah at the holy tzion of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. The lineup of speakers included Reb Shimon Halperin, menahel of Kollel Chatzos Meron, who served as master of ceremonies; Rav Dovid Zev Reich, Av Beis Din of Sanz in Tzfas and a regular guest at the kollel; Rav Eliezer Ehrenster, Av Beis Din of Kiryas Meor HaChaim of Tzfas, with several chashuve sons who learn in Kollel Chatzos; and Rav Yehuda Meir Halperin from Bnei Brak, who himself arises at chatzos and is the father of the menahel of the kollel, Reb Shimon. Finally, the Nadvorna Rebbe of Tzfas imparted divrei bracha to the attendees.

The speakers also praised the members of the hanhala of Kollel Chatzos who expend great effort for the hatzlacha of the kollel, specifically Rav Nechemia Hoffman, the founder of the kollelim, who works day and night to ensure the success of the four branches worldwide. Heartfelt thanks was expressed for the Kollel Chatzos partners, whose support is what made this siyum—and all the learning at Kollel Chatzos Meron—possible.

Special emphasis was placed on the role played by the wives of the kollel members, who all accept extra responsibilities upon themselves without complaint to enable their husbands to learn at the special hour of chatzos. One of the esteemed speakers stated, “We know that this is not easy for the wives, but you should know that all of the Torah is only in your zchus. We cannot fathom the nachas that the Torah learned at chatzos, especially at such a holy site, creates in the upper worlds, and the zchus of all of it is applied to the women who are assembled here tonight.”

Beautiful gifts were given to the kollel members in honor of the completion of yet another masechta, and to their wives to underscore that all of the Torah is made possible only thanks to their mesiras nefesh.

To conclude the event, a beautiful slide presentation with footage of the talmidei chachamim learning at the kever of Rashbi was shown to the women, to give them a glimpse into the elevated atmosphere that reigns at the kollel every night.

The attendees of the siyum left uplifted and inspired, with renewed vigor to continue their learning in the winter weeks ahead. May the zchus of the Torah learned nightly at the tzion of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai at the powerful hour of chatzos continue to bring blessing for the chashuve kollel members, the Yidden who partner with their learning, and all of klal Yisrael.

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